
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (10 children)

To those who have already switched: What are you using and why do you like it?

[–] 37 points 10 months ago (1 children)


... :(

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Started with XFCE but migrated away due to bugginess with my outdated system. Next was KDE. I was pleasantly surprised by how lightweight it ended up being after hearing otherwise. Now I'm on Sway, and it makes this old computer scream!

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

I have absolutely jammed to the original Unreal Tournament (UT’99) soundtrack on my commute.

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Try the AutoFill keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-L (or Cmd-Shift-L on Mac). Works well enough for me.

[–] 22 points 1 year ago

RIP. Sorry to be so negative, but the system is rigged in Sony's favor.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Ooh, I just did this! Mid 2010 white MacBook, Core 2 Duo P8600, 2GB, spinning rust HDD.

*Strongly recommend switching to SSD. I also added an 8GB stick (so 9GB total, hah) but my hunch is that even the SSD alone would have made this machine much more enjoyable.

I ultimately decided on MX Linux, although with systemd as init so that logind could handle lid and power button events. The default power manager (XFCE?) would result in a black screen upon resuming otherwise. MX Linux also worked the best for me in terms of optimizing for battery life.

PeppermintOS was my second place but also had the black-screen on resume.

I also tried various flavors of Mint but felt that Peppermint and MX were ever-so-slightly leaner in terms of features I actually use and battery life.

Avoid Void Linux. On my system the trackpad only worked in one direction.

I was not able to get the nVidia card to work with proprietary drivers. It's so old that it requires legacy drivers (340) and I just ran out of patience. Nouveau or bust.

I am currently using it for casual web browsing and YouTube. It handles YouTube pretty well although I'm still searching for a native frontend that allows me to login to my YouTube account so I get all my subscriptions and stuff.

[–] 51 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Treat teachers like shit then prevent them from striking.


Looks delicious!

Devil’s advocate: if a delayed message is put far up the conversation history, it may not be seen when it finally goes through? Although notifications could mitigate that to some extent.


Music Software & Bad Interface Design: Avid’s Sibelius by Tantacrul (not mine)

YouTube description: "In this video, I take a detailed look at the design of Avid's Sibelius - a popular music notation application. Sibelius is the embodiment of what not to do as a user experience designer and this video covers a range of examples of inappropriate design patterns and bad user interface choices. Then I go insane.

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This really is one of the great examples of breaking all UI design principles and every UX design principle too. It's like a design bull in a musical china shop."


Please educate me if this already exists and I'm not finding it. Sorting posts by New Comments is a great way to stay on top of the latest discussions.


Apple Weather forecasts for my area have shown a 30-50% chance of precipitation for eternity, even when there isn't a cloud in sight. My meteorologist has told his readers to ignore Apple's forecasts.

This started around the time the Apple Weather outages a few months ago and haven't improved. YSK that you can report inaccurate forecasts from within the app, but it hasn't improved for me.

I'm currently using Foreca on iPhone and the free version of Carrot on Apple Watch.


Current-era Microsoft continuing to push the boundaries of consent.

Microsoft Edge is a good browser but for some reason Microsoft keeps trying to shove it down everyone’s throat and make it more difficult to use rivals like Chrome or Firefox. Microsoft has now started notifying IT admins that it will force Outlook and Teams to ignore the default web browser on Windows and open links in Microsoft Edge instead.

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