
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You gotta pace yourself, spread that evening beer out evenly across a year of evenings

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Hmm. While I can see that and appreciate the inclusiveness of it, it still feels like the wrong choice to me. Maybe times are changing (obviously) and I need to get used to emojis being used in a more serious tone? But I don't know... Are we there yet?

[–] 34 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Holy shit I hadn't clicked yet and hoped you were joking. I'm sure they mean well but I find that really disturbing, what a weird use of emoji...

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago

Damn, yeah hard to give any benefit of the doubt when it's so opaque like you say. Very concerning

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Not arguing, just want to be able to quote this confidently - can you link a source for this?

I can find some info about Australian-made aviation parts going to other countries as per existing agreements, who use them in aircraft that are then supplied to Israel. Which is absolutely still shit, but I can't find anything about direct weapon sales to / from Israel

[–] 14 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Counterpoint - almost all jobs will have elements of this type of stressful fuckery. Use it as a learning experience, and do your best to navigate the constraints while maintaining professionalism and value to your employer.

It's a balance; if it's truly soul destroying then your health and happiness is more important, get out. However, the more you learn how to deal with this, the less likely you are to burn out in other jobs when they get shit like this. Not so that you can just suck it up and grind away for awful bosses, but so that you can give yourself the maximum options for you, and stress less while going through it.

You already seem to have the right mindset about trying to do this right, so the one thing I'll say is this: everything in writing, straight away. It's easy to get too relaxed about this when it's all going smoothly, but then something catches you out and it's too late (eg already been told not to bring it up again).

This part will feel awkward, but to protect yourself, you need to send your boss an email summarising your conversation and your understanding of the outcome (not updating). Frame it as a "I hear you, and I apologise for my previous insistence" if it helps smooth things over, but just make sure it outlines your previous queries and suggestions and their response to you. It's the only way to cover your own butt in these situations, and it's a great habit to get into after every conversation that has decisions or changes etc. Put it in writing as a summary: you can refer back to it later and it let's the other person know you understood their position / instruction

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, definitely more about the tone and narrative for me, so I'd go with that plan and see it through!

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Ahhh I wanted to love it, it's one of my favourite scifi concepts explored really well, but I wish the big plot points at the end were told in the opposite order. Feel like it would have hit way harder, for me anyway

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Came to make the same recommendation. It depends on what aspect of the games you find intimidating. Most people recommending Elden Ring will likely be assuming that you mean mechanical difficulty, but in my case, the openness, variety, stat numbers etc of ER are all intimidating.

Sekiro is more approachable in this regard, the way forward is mostly clear, and the mechanics are clearly communicated, so you're just left with practicing them until you're good enough to progress.

I'd say that most people who say Sekiro is one of the hardest fromsoft games probably came from playing souls or Elden Ring and have the extra challenge of unlearning some of the foundations. I hadn't played any, and though Sekiro is hard as hell sometimes, it clicked with me pretty quickly. Completed 3 endings and most of the optional, hardest content so far

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Oh shit thank you. Edited.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Article leaves out a LOT of relevant info about Perry's stated desire to kill protestors, the witnesses all stating that the rifle was never raised, and the state of the rifle when recovered (no round chambered, safety ON).

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (11 children)

I'm curious, what do you get out of saying this?


Warning - there are no spoilers in my question, but there will probably be gameplay mechanics spoilers in any answers (hopefully).

I'm downloading Lies of P now to give it a shot. I'm not a big fan of RPG elements in these types of games (blasphemy I know), I prefer a focused experience; for example I liked Bloodbourne but never finished it because of all of the options, but I absolutely loved every minute of Sekiro. Basically I can't be bothered with experimenting with builds and crunching numbers, it's not for me.

I know any actual advice will depend on what I want the gameplay to feel like, so I guess all I can say is take Sekiro as an example - I'd probably be focusing on anything that will help speed and parrying (if any stats affect that?) and decent dodging.

So, do you have any advice on things I should focus on, things I should avoid or wait to upgrade, weapons to aim for etc? I don't mind spoilers.


I'm new to Lemmy, and found to be where I want my accounts. I created this one, which got approved very quickly. I then created a second one, because I'd like this one to be more anonymous and the second one to match my username on Twitch (and my real name is easily found there).

The second account seems to have not been approved, I'm not sure how to tell but it's been hours (and this account was approved in minutes). Could have been because I tried to use the same email address, is that supported?

Whatever reason it was, does this mean that username is gone and no longer available? Is there any way for me to try again?

EDIT: Never mind, of course the moment I create this post, I check again and the signup has been approved. I swear I was being patient!

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