You keep trying to make this a party issue, when it's not. Biden also increased the National Debt by a similar amount. You're right, 1 Billion dollars in a pool of Trillions really is a drop in the bucket. I don't think we need to get anything from Ukraine in return of our support. They're fighting a foreign offender, they deserved much more than throwing money at the problem, but here we are. Everything we send out of the U.S. that's not accounted for in the U.S. budget goes into debt; as the National Debt climbed, the U.S. needs to find ways to pay that down, and they're trying to do that without offending the Billionaire Class buying politicians. So, from Trumps perspective, Ukraine is an easy cut, regardless if we think he's Putins Puppet, it's clear Trump doesn't care for what's happening in Ukraine.
I support funds for Ukraine over funds for Isreal any day of the week, but that's just not going to happen under this administration.
Maybe I have bought into the propaganda, but am willing to learn more. If we're pouring Trillions from our National Budget into paying down the ever-growing Federal Debt, where's the tipping point for the dollars value?
This debt has been ever-growing, by the +5 trillion pretty much every administration, and American prosperity has been on a decline (maybe not for you, but the city I'm sitting in feels it). If we're not going to tax Billionaires (which we fucking should, by a lot) then what's the next best thing to bring better prosperity to the American Working Class?
Finally, what do you feel is America's primary economic concern?