
joined 2 months ago

This is bothering me for years now, my backup script always takes everything with it, taking forever to finish.

I initially used the --exclude option, but this is rather restrictive, cluttered the script and still had the excluded directories.
Then i discovered -X/--exclude-from but same result here, weird globbing and still fails.
So i hacked a negative list via fd's --ignore-file and tar -T/--files-from together. But tar still includes files and directories not on the fucking files.tmp.

So i'm not sure if it is a bug in Arch's GNU tar or if it's maybe a parameter in the wrong position, tar can be bitchy there. This is my current code

# tar -cf - -X "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/backup/ignore "$INPUT" -P

fd . -Hi --ignore-file "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/backup/ignore "${INPUT}" > "$_tmpfile"
tar -cf - --verbatim-files-from --files-from="$_tmpfile" -P \
	|pv -tapes "$_fssize" \
	|compress >"${OUTPUT}.$_ext"

INPUT is $HOME in this case.

And if anyone has a solution that works on busybox tar as well...

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) (1 children)
  • Let's run a virtual container in --privileged mode, so we can manage system resources from it


[–] 1 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

Pack it with the interpreter in an executable.

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) (1 children)

Reading about all the security issues in Docker lately, i'm thinking about using LXC via Incus/Proxmox. Should i? Or podman?

[–] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

More bloated and inefficient every release. That would be fine for Android but sadly, it affects the core and thus every custom ROM too.

[–] 21 points 1 day ago (1 children)

You should start now.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Except they often only appear to work.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Guess usual (state funded) rocket building is Kanban. Space X and BlueOrigin & co are Agile, except that one that was Lean.

[–] 30 points 2 days ago (3 children)

IA is the easier target. This system sucks.

[–] 7 points 2 days ago

Of course, why would you pay for pirated media?


While updating my system the graphical session crashed and after reboot the kernel was missing (reminder that you should update on tty). Trying to fix that from a live-system, mounting system nvme partition to mnt, there's now /mnt/@ @cache @log, while your usual root folders are in @, log fikes @log and so on. Filesystem is btrfs, no subvolumes, if that matters.

So why is this? And can i just mount boot to /mnt/@/boot? Do break something, if i move /mnt/@ content to /mnt?

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