
joined 4 months ago
[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca 1 points 6 hours ago

in Thespeia of Boeotia (a city not far from Helikon) a child was born, Narcissus, very handsome and dismissive of both Eros and lovers.

Can you explain in what bizarro universe this is not asexuality? And can you also please explain what Narcissus did that meant he deserved to die?

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca 1 points 6 hours ago

You right wing trolls always want to find some excuse to say us leftists are the real bigots. So on your way to erase asexuals, demand children get into sexual relationships, and make apology for sexual harassers, you have to include some quip about your made up 4D mental gymnastics that say us asexuals are evil for admitting that one of our own might tell a sexual abuser to go commit unalive.

So although you won't admit it upsets you when I say this, I will still offend you with the statement "asexual people deserve to be allowed to live."

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca 1 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

Well we do. I'm ace and I've told a rapist to kill themself. It's the right thing to do with rapists. Anyway, you want sources?


Narcissus also spurned Ameinias and gave him a sword. The latter committed suicide at Narcissus's doorstep after being rejected by him.


Ameinias though, was persistent and time after time he was rejected by Narcissus. One final rejection though would occur, and Narcissus would present the spurned Ameinias with a sword. Ameinias would commit suicide, falling on the sword, on the very doorway of Narcissus’ home.

Before he fell on the sword though, Ameinias prayed to the goddess Nemesis to avenge him. Nemesis heard the prayer, and cursed Narcissus so that Narcissus fell in love with own reflection in a pool of water.


The 24th; in Thespeia of Boeotia (a city not far from Helikon) a child was born, Narcissus, very handsome and dismissive of both Eros and lovers. While all the other lovers tried and gave up, Ameinias kept insisting and beseeching. Narcissus did not yield and sent him a sword instead. He did away with himself at Narcissus' doorway, after beseeching the god to avenge him.

So far in this conversation you've mistaken my account of Narcissus' asexuality, moved the goalposts when I pointed out your mistake, made apology for child sexual abuse, and been dead wrong about Narcissus telling Ameinias the sexual abuser to off himself. You suck. You don't know anything about Greek mythology, and you should have held your judgements until you understood the source material. You've just been lurching from lie to lie in this conversation trying to cover for your previous CSA apologism and ineptitude. Give it up. Let go of your massive ego and admit you were wrong.

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca 4 points 8 hours ago

Well in that case all you've done is reinvent tempo but worse. Unless you vary the rate on the fly, which requires moving the counter and/or radioactive material on the fly. And then all you've done is create a very bad musical instrument.

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca 4 points 10 hours ago (3 children)

You can't predict the next click, that's what random means. This would never have gotten far enough to appear in front of an audience. They would have tried it at rehearsal and realised it was impossible.

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca -1 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (3 children)

No I'm not, pay attention. I'm saying he was born asexual due to random chance. You're mixing up causes and effects.

Asexuality plus trauma equals telling sexual abusers to kill themselves. That's what I'm saying. In this argument, sexuality is a cause, not an effect. You're saying I'm arguing his sexuality is an effect, but that's not true. I'm saying his sexuality is the cause of him telling Ameinias to kill himself. Pay attention.

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca 15 points 12 hours ago (6 children)

The third sentence makes it clear it's fake

  • Geiger counters aren't rhythmic, they're random
  • How would the audience know the beat matches the counter?
  • Random music doesn't sound good, the audience would be more excited for good music

Disappointed in the people who believed this.

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 day ago

The ACCC in australia sued Valve for their crappy refunds policy and forced them to implement an australian-style refund system. Everyone in the rest of the world enjoys it when a business treats them like australians (which is to say, like they have actual consumer rights), and assumed Valve was just nice. Epic, EA, Ubisoft and the rest treat them like americans, which they hate. So that's why people love Valve. Because Australia sued the pants off them.

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 day ago

Miracle Of Sound - Superhuman

I've seen the beauty burn
And I'm still fucking fuming
And as the tables turn
I'm feeling superhuman

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca 0 points 1 day ago (5 children)

The thing it has to do with his asexuality is that he lacks the natural positive context for sex that comes with being allosexual. Most rape babies grow up, start having sexual thoughts, and are forced to come to an acceptance of sex. Narcissus has zero positive experience with sex. There's nothing to counter his association between sex and his mother's rape. That's explains why he's rude to people who sexually harass him. I thought that context might be helpful, since the other person in this thread is saying that he's evil for not loving anyone.

[–] MindTraveller@lemmy.ca -1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (7 children)

Another detail about the myth you have to understand, in addition to all the sexual harassment of a child, is that Narcissus is a rape baby. He was born because Cephissus raped Liriope. That's his background for understanding the world of love. He exists because of an act of cruelty, which he is not old enough to distinguish from the sexual harassment he constantly suffers as a child because he was born pretty. Of course someone from that background, who has no feelings of love of his own, would end up resenting the very concept. I believe Narcissus was justified in telling Ameinias to kill himself, Ameinias was a pedophile and he was sexually abusing Narcissus with his harassment.


Remembering how if you didn't realise the full stop was part of what he wanted you to say, he'd just yell at you over and over and over again


"You do, you know," said The Lady. "Everyone has gods. You just don't think they're gods."

- Terry Pratchett


Episode 4 did Obi-Wan Kenobi completely dirty. In the first three movies and The Clone Wars, we see that he's an honourable, compassionate, brave person. He killed Darth Vader and left him for dead. By all rights, he should have continued to fight for the rebellion instead of moving to a desert and being alone for 20 years.

You expect me to believe after being a general in the Clone Wars and defeating multiple Sith, Obi Wan proceeded to do absolutely nothing while the emperor oppressed everyone? As soon as he heard Darth Vader was still alive, he should have hopped on his ship and gone to kill Anakin! The version we see in A New Hope is an old loser hiding from his own mistakes in the desert.

Obi Wan is supposed to be determined, a warrior, someone who always accomplishes what he sets out to do. Not a coward! I grew up with the original trilogy, and these new movies completely ruined my childhood. Why did George Lucas feel the need to crap all over us Obi-Wan fans who loved his original three Star Wars movies? And all in the name of sUbVeRtInG eXpEcTaTiOnS

This is a joke about The Last Jedi.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16525838

I 100% support this new Harry Potter


There's this game I'm trying to download, and it's big enough that it's going to take several days of continuous downloading to get. I have about half of it so far. I want it to download during my scheduled auto update hours, and pause in the morning when I wake up. Sounds simple, right?

Problem is, it won't. I can either drag it to "up next", in which case it downloads immediately, or I can drag it to "unscheduled", in which case it won't download at all, even if I leave my PC on all night. I can't click and drag it into the scheduled category. How do I get it in there so it'll download when I'm asleep, but won't hog the pre-bedtime bandwidth?


Alright, just started watching Steven Universe. I'm 4 episodes in. That poor boy. All he wants is to be part of a family, and all three of the crystal gems are horrible mentors. Pearl likes to think of herself as responsible, but she cannot relate to Steven and is utterly failing to provide a system of structure that he can understand. Amethyst gets along with him, but she acts like she's the same age as him and can't provide him any of the guidance a kid needs. And Garnet is barely even trying. Greg is the best mentor figure Steven has in his life, and he's homeless with no future. At least he's actually taught Steven to have a positive outlook, but he's still not parent material.

That poor boy is getting wrapped up in big ideas of how he's going to save the day and have the perfect family, because the reality of his life is unbearable. I saw this show on the TV a few times when I was a kid and it bummed me out, but now that I'm a grownup I can see how traumatised that boy is and how badly he needs a responsible parental figure who can relate to him. All of the adults in his life suck! Watching this show is miserable, because I'm watching a kid who desperately needs a family be failed by the family he has.

I like traditionally grimdark settings like Warhammer 40k, but watching Steven Universe gives me the same feeling I imagine non-grimdark-fans must feel seeing a setting like 40k. Overbearing, unrelenting misery. It all sucks and it isn't getting better. On occasion 40k describes the life of civilians in that setting, how oppressed and abused they are by the fascist governments they live under. The fun of seeing evil soldiers who chose a life of violence killing each other fades away. Suddenly, we're seeing the perspective of the innocent. Their suffering. It's depressing and heartbreaking in the same way SU is.

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