
joined 6 months ago
[–] 5 points 6 months ago

There are people who need to accept this for it to occur?

[–] 0 points 6 months ago

You have lived the entire 4 years with your head literally up Biden's ass trying to hide from Trump, haven't you?

No, its all true. The Democrat party has almost completely imploded. Biden is leading that charge. This is what happens when you "vote for the lesser evil" consistently. The lesser evil gets more and more evil.

Modern Republicans literally just want to kill Mexicans, Trans people, women who have miscarriages, and force the children they rape to birth their children.

Democrats are a carbon copy of Bush Jr era Republicans.

[–] 6 points 6 months ago

So much money going to Israel. So much money going into politician pockets. They still have this same tired "we just cant afford to keep the government running." Every. Year.

[–] 7 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I could say the same thing for people who championed Hilary, and still champion Hilary and push her political ideals.

Did any of them take accountability and say "that was really dumb of me. I should have listened to democrats who warned me. I am responsible for Trump."

Nope. You're still here going "and I'll fuckin' do it again."

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

I think there are a number of democrats who are unhappy, but won’t necessarily vote for Trump, however they might not be voting Biden either.

The term is disenfranchised.

Historically, Republicans win when Democrats don't turn out to vote. When you look at the past 4 years, its hard to believe the Democrats aren't trying to disenfranchise their voter base.

"You gotta vote come hell or high water" is a Conservative mindset.

You vote for a candidate worth voting for is a Liberal mindset.

Neither Trump nor Biden are worth voting for.

That's when liberals stay home, or go third party.

[–] 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

100% with you.

Liberals are anti-war. They are anti-genocide. They are pro-worker. They are pro-care-for-the-needy. The Democrat shift to progressivism over liberalism is what put Trump into office to start with.

Biden narrowly got through on the bulletproof platform "I'm not Trump."

Now he is going into a second election with the bulletproof platform "I have made it illegal for some workers to strike. I keep failing to actually deliver student loan relief. I didn't get you that covid stimulus I said id deliver 'first week in office'. I have moved billions of dollars of the public trust to Israel so they can buy the weapons I bypass congress to sell to them so they can commit a genocide in the name of luxury condos. I have expanded military operations almost everywhere in the world EXCEPT the Ukraine. I still hide from the cameras as much as possible because my oratory skills make Bush Jr look Winston Churchill. You will never be able to own a home, ever, and groceries will only continue to go up and up and up while I say 'Bidenomics work! There are no issues with the American economy'. And I'm still not Trump."

It isn't a Biden problem. Its a Democrat Party problem. But its also a giant Biden problem.