Good. Fuck Elon Musk and Twitter.
You don't need to be rich to go to a gym or increase your knowledge.
Sadly Firefox is also slowly becoming malware.
That was expected to happen. And it will lead to radicalization of various movements, with frustrated men or women.
Used electronics go brrrrrr
That's not what I said at all.
There are already laws in various places which prohibit hate speech, including on the internet. I don't see how banning anything, far-right related or not is a good concept, since someone would be responsible of determining what 'far-right content' is, and that can only cause political repressions of groups that are against current governing power(s). I don't understand why would anyone want to see the censorship and repressions that are on par with ones in Russia. We are better than that.
Good move. Some religious practices shouldn't be legal if they lower public safety. I don't see why couldn't Muslim woman just wear simple Hijabs, if they want to preserve their religious freedom.
I want to like Tumbleweed, but every time I check for updates there's like a gigabyte of them. I am probably going to switch to Leap at certain point. I don't understand what's the point of having latest stuff anyway. Unless you are gaming on your device I guess.
I miss the time when not all icons were a rectangle or a circle.