
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 10 months ago

Thank you for your straight forward and very succinct answer. I did peruse that site, but became confused by the various options that I found in it. If you could decipher the information on the site, and provide an actual link to where exactly I report bugs for postmarketOS packages, that would be appreciated.


I'm using postmarketOS plasma edge on my Pinephone Pro. The KDE program Kasts (installed from a postmarketOS package) crashed when I tried to run it, so I filed a bug report with them. They suggested that I file this bug directly with postmarketOS. The rationale was:

These kinds of faults tend to happen when a library that Kasts depends on gets updated without Kasts itself getting recompiled. Then you can end up with an instruction that has changed in the underlying lib without Kasts knowing about this, leading to a crash. So, I would think it's simply a matter of recompiling the package.

I'm not sure where the correct place is to file a bug with postmarketOS. If there is another place where I should do so, then do let me know in the comments below. Thanks.

[–] 38 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

When asked about a perceived ignorance in computers, the judge proclaimed, "I'm not ignorant about computers! In fact, just last week I finished Space Quest, and I'm now getting through Leisure Suit Larry!" The judge's report, written using WordPerfect 5.1, is expected to be released soon.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I no longer buy any mock meat. Veggies that are unprocessed (with tofu as the lone exception since soy beans are kinda rough) are my choice now. So this doesn't bother me.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I check into Reddit once in a while, but I mostly hang out here now.


Subject covered in title. Is there way to set this up as a preference?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Nuclear costs a huge amount. It does produce waste. There are still safety concerns regarding nuclear power, which only increase as our reliance upon it increases. Investing in renewable energy makes more sense.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

One thing I find confusing is the notification bell icon. I notice that even if I check it, it still registers the same number of notifications that it had done previously. This number never seems to go down. What's with that?

[–] -5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The European Commission is being sued by environmental campaigners over a decision to include gas and nuclear in an EU guide to “green” investments.

Eight national and regional Greenpeace organisations including France, Germany and EU office in Brussels are asking the court to rule the inclusion of gas and nuclear invalid.

I totally support Greenpeace in this. Neither nuclear nor gas should be considered a "green" investment. Ia Aanstoot, the "18 year old climate activist", is wrong to support the European Commission's stance on this.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Which means she opposes what Ia Anstoot is saying. Thunberg does not view nuclear as a renewable in and of itself, and thus, like Greenpeace, she opposes EU Commission’s decision to include nuclear power in its classification system for sustainable finance (link).

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Okay, thanks. Yes, that makes sense. I guess the fact that Reddit URL posts often generate an accompanying image (from the URL) whereas that's less the case here, made me believe that it (having an image accompany a post) could be manually done here. This belief was fostered by how the layout is organized here, in that it's vertical rather than horizontal, with the URL option above the image option. This suggested a hierarchy, where URL would still be recognized if it was specified, with the image supporting this rather than overriding it. Alas, that's not the case. In Reddit, where the post structure layout is more horizontal (at least when using a laptop/desktop -- don't know about mobile) it's clear that a choice of image negates creating a URL post.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

What you describe is what I was hoping for. However, I found that pressing upon the post simply resulted in the image being displayed without an accompanying link to the URL.


I attempted to create a post that highlighted a URL. I saw the option to add an image, so I did. But, the post ended up linking to the image rather than the URL. Yet, the URL designation comes before the image designation (note included image), so my assumption was that a URL would be given priority over an image. However, that was not the case.

I don't know if this could be changed. Often in Reddit, an image is automatically captured from a URL link post. But that is not the case here. So, I assumed that I could manually add an image, while the post still linked to the specified URL. But, that seems to not be the case. I'm hoping this can be the case in the future.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I saw on the CBC last night a story of a restaurant worker who was fired because she wore a mask. That's how bonkers we in Canada have become lately.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

This is great. I've started training for a half-marathon, that will be in October. I've been vegan a few years, and before that a vegetarian for a few decades (I'm 58 now). One thing I've also done recently is eliminate salt from my cooking and also eliminate high salt prepared foods (including bread and prepared sauces) from my diet. And I've stepped up my intake of leafy greens and carrots and beets and whatnot (previously my focus was on starch and protein foods (rice/grains/beans/lentils etc). So, my blood pressure is now normal. But, there is a lot of propaganda about needing salt (and "electrolytes") for long distance running. Meh. I've been fine so far. But I figure I'll bring some celery sticks with me for the run in October.


[Edit] Solved. I needed to include both "Undetermined" and "English" in the language settings. Having done that, I can now see full displays of the comments.

Hello. I've included a screenshot of the list of "New" posts within the Main community. If you look, you'll see that the posts are dated as such:

  • 53 minutes ago
  • 12 hours ago
  • 3 days ago
  • 4 days ago
  • 10 days ago
  • 24 days ago
  • 2 years ago (though it's hidden by the XFCE lower menu)

I know there's a post I created a few days ago which is absent from this list. I'm just wondering what's going on.


Hello. I recently joined. Some questions. How do I view private messages (that being those I sent to a member, rather than posts to a community)? I've looked in my profile, but it's not listed there. I only see "Overview", "Comments", "Posts", and "Saved". "Saved" shows nothing, and both "Overview" and "Posts" only show two recent posts (I've posted ten times since joining). There seems to be no category for Messages. Anywhere. None. Zilch. And Comments likewise is showing nothing, despite the fact that I've commented on a few topics I've found here. And it doesn't matter if I choose "old" or "new" or "top all time" filters, it simply shows nothing.

Is there some sort of documentation that explains how things work? Because for me, it has not been a very intuitive experience.


Hello. I recently joined Lemmy, and quite like it. I have been on Mastodon for a while. So, I was interested in following some of the communities and posts here on Lemmy within my Mastodon account. I did manage to successfully follow two communities from this instance, those being NDP and Ontario. However, other communities, such as Toronto, Biking, Canada, and some others, the search turned up empty (I had a screenshot to better illustrate this, but I was given a syntax error when I tried to upload it). So, I was unable to follow them on Mastodon.

Of the communities that I did manage to follow, I have been able to interact with them using my Mastodon account. However, some actions have not been as I expected them to be. I would put a hashtag in the title of a post here on Lemmy, expecting this to show up in a hashtag search on Mastodon (since, you know, we're all federated), but this didn't work. The post, when I search for it, appears on Mastodon, but it does not appear in a search of the included hashtag (which I find odd). But I digress.

My main question is why can I find and follow some Lemmy communities on Mastodon but some I simply cannot?

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