Most countries don't have death penalties anymore. So no, not rest of the world.
joined 2 weeks ago
I'm completely horrified people here are discussing whether N2O is working properly or not, if it's humane or not, what could work better, while we are talking about murdering people. The US is trying horrible ways to kill people because they aren't allowed to buy seditives from the medical industry as it is only allowed to be sold to medical institutes, you know, for helping people.
The US incarceration system is full of crimes against humanity, is corrupt, racist, still has slavery and is still murdering people. I know others who experimented with more effective ways to kill people, during the 1940's. I wonder when the US tries more efficient ways, like for instance dumping a can of Zyclon B in a full room. Bunch of fucking nazis.
Even more countries still have the death penalty but are not used it anymore.