
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Ansible playbook is perfect for this. All your configuration is repeatable, whether on a running system or a new one. Plus you can start with a completely fresh newest version image and apply from there, instead of starting from a soon-to-be outdated custom image.

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago (6 children)

It states the OpenStreetMap data is from May. Is it fully offline and needs to wait for the next app update?

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Thanks for such an enjoyable App!

[–] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Postgres handles NoSQL better than many dedicated NoSQL database management systems. I kept telling another team to at least evaluate it for that purpose - but they knew better and now they are stuck with managing the MongoDB stack because they are the only ones that use it. Postgres is able to do everything they use out of the box. It just doesn't sound as fancy and hip.

[–] 17 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Also, Kanban was invented in the 40s as a process for automotive production lines. That's why it aligns so well with maintenance and operations projects in IT. It's ridiculous how more and more people claim it comes from software development and would not fit hardware projects, when that's the core use case of the methodology.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Modern browsers happily show you the actual characters, while sending their encoded entities to the server. So, from a user perspective there is no ASCII limitation. Case in point: sö (just some random website, I have no idea what they are or if they are legitimate)

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Ist doch logisch, wenn wir uns artig fügen, gibt es ja auch keinen Grund mehr zu erzieherischen Massnahmen. /s

[–] 14 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

Wunderbare Form des Antiterroranschlags

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

You can implement public or semi public ledgers without Blockchain. That's what banks are doing already by sending huge CSV files internally and externally. Blockchain is not a technology of zero trust. It's close to the opposite. You trust a few peers and blindly trust everyone they trust. That way you trust a network that you know nothing about and if the network decides on a common truth that you are convinced is incorrect, there is nothing you can do about it. The consensus always wins and there is no single entity to complain to and get it fixed. This is great for making sure that many actors need to be bad actors in order to have the whole system fail. It's bad if you don't trust anyone and want to make sure that your standards are always observed. From a technology standpoint I love the concept of Blockchain. But use cases that are not forced are few and far apart. Too few for the amount of hype it receives.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

Stimme ich voll zu. Ich hatte nie realisiert wie schlimm die Situation ist, bis ich mit Kinderwagen unterwegs war.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Mein Sozialkundelehrer war Stadtrat und hat immer Mal aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudert. Er sagte uns, dass Knöllchen fast ein Nullsummenspiel sind (Einnahmen vs Gehälter der Mitarbeitenden, Verwaltungsaufwand, etc.). Dennoch hatte der Stadtrat für mehr Kontrollen gestimmt, jedoch offensichtlich nicht aus den Gründen, die die Bürger ihnen vorwarfen.


With Wayland becoming more and more popular, it's interesting to look at the around 40 year history of X.

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