90% of those "neoliberals charged with... " are fascists too(of different ideology). And the rest 10% are just lazy useless idiots.
UI. UI is built-in.
Oh those gamers with their games. Trump playing cards, Rubio plays with a ball, Putin is serious as a brick and Ukrainians are dying.
How fucking fun it all is.
Sad Horsey neighs...
Anyway, doesn't this material contradict with "No hate speech, bigotry, propaganda, etc" rule?
Any modern IDE for any language has a built-in debugger UI. Mostly good one.
Your idea of respect was rather crazy. Nobody even asked those who you consider minorities if they really want or need the master branches of the code repositories to be renamed to main branches. I don't even ask about the reasoning. You just discredited the whole idea even if your intentions were good.
Trump is doing the same. I mean he has different goals but the method is the same.
It wasn't invented by Trump. Previous governments were fighting with "bad" words too. "Master", "Blacklist", for example, were declared as slavery propaganda and racism.
I suppose fighting against words, not against sources of the problem, is just part of USA culture.
Glorious Korea sells its artillery to Russia too. And Russia has many of its own.
But yes, all numbers from this list include slightly damaged and repairable pieces too. Including men.
Wait a few years and the state of US economics will make this problem nonexistent: most Americans wouldn't even have electro-mechanical dryers.
We know that the USA aren't our friends but this constant humiliation is unnecessary and useless.
We have done nothing wrong to the US.
That's better than religious fascism or pokemon fascism.