
joined 11 months ago
[–] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That sounds like something that should be ARCHIVEd. Just in case a visitor from a different GALAXY wants to use them in the distant future

So I checked the available logs after streaming a playlist for a while, which I've never done before (probably a huge mistake on my part). I have a generic "log_xxxxxxx.log" file that doesn't seem to have any relevant info, but the only ffmpeg logs I have are related to video files from yesterday. Interestingly, the transcoding speeds seem to slow down over time; flac/wav files seem fine at first, but struggle to play after 30 minutes or so in a playlist of constant playback.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I've disabled the native antivirus and Simplewall supposedly blocks most (if not all) of the Microsoft bloat

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Outside of Jellyfin, the computers seem to communicate just fine. Transfer speeds are what I would expect and disk read/write is usually fine as well. Like I mentioned in the post, it self-resolved since I made the post. But my concern is the same: what could be causing the underlying issue? I'll check the logs later and I'll report back

Edit: forgot to mention that I have a few 5.1 SACDs @ 24/192k that have always completely choked my system. Doesn't matter which machine or how extreme the transcoded settings are, it nukes the playback

That's a really hard problem to solve. But my advice, and what was working for me last time I tried, was using the Pi-hole as an exit node and forcing as much traffic through it as possible. The only downside to this is that your Pi-hole dashboard will be less interesting because your devices will show as the Pi-hole itself. If you're already doing that, then my only guess is getting obsessive about domain blocking until it stops, and even that will have its limits.


I've been using Jellyfin for about a year. I've experienced many sudden issues with speed or connectivity, but they usually self-resolve over the course of a few days (I'd love to hear what that's about).

Since the last major update, I've had intermittent speed issues. My network is a bit weird, but it's what I have to go with for a while so bear with me...everything is wired cat7a as direct to the router as possible and broadcast exclusively through TailScale. My server (Win10) and another PC (Win11) are the combined shared storage, so I'm assuming one of the main points of failure between these 2 machines are to blame. In other words, the Win11 PC is acting as a shared network folder (where 2/3rd of my media is stored) AND a client (very inefficient I know, but it's worked up until recently).

Today, I tried listening to a lossless song and it was taking about a minute to load 1 second of music. I've never had speeds that slow before.

The server's hardware: -Intel i7-9700k @ 3.60GHz -RAM 16GB -NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti

Transcode settings enabled: -Hardware acceleration: Nvidia NVENC -H246 -MPEG2 -VC1 -VP8 -Enhanced NVDEC decoder -Hardware encoding

Task Manager for the server shows 95% (~10 Mbps) network usage to be to TailScale and Jellyfin. Network usage for the client is almost 0 Mbps. Memory usage for both machines is below 30%. CPU is less than 10% on both machines. Disk usage is even lower, 0% on both machines. The media in question is stored on HDD on the client-side machine (disk rated for >100MB/s read and write).

Without buying a new drive, NAS, or extra hardware, do you have any tips for troubleshooting my network to see if it's something I can fix? Did I mess any settings up?

Don't know if it's relevant, but I have a Pi-hole and both machines have Simplewall.

I second this. And the transition was made easy due to anti-consumer practices. Plus, you can take your media on-the-go for free

I have about 1TB of music, and I'm listening to music all the time. My go-to has been a Jellyfin server with either the desktop client or Finamp on my phone. I used to use Gelli on my phone, but it stopped working a few months ago

I'll look into it, thanks. Like you said, no clue if it meets my needs...but damn, that's so many data points

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm specifically looking for a running focused app that considers added weights and the calories burned

This sounds pretty close to what I'm looking for. I'd like a rough estimate of calories burned due to added weight as well, that's the tricky patt

Thanks, I'll download them and check em out

Strava alternative? (
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

I need to track cardio with terrain data, but I'd rather not trust Strava with my privacy. I know there are some alternatives, but which one is the most reliable and feature-rich? I don't have smart accessories, just and android phone. Preferably, I'd like an app that let's me track added weights for calorie purposes (like rucking).


First, let me say that this is the worst phone I've ever owned. I don't have have "fuck it, I'm buying a Pixel" money right now, but I'd like to try un-ruining my phone if possible. And what are the best ways to back up my phone before the switch?


My phone and computer can both play the files fine, but using the official apps or webclient gives me an error. I'm assuming it's a transcoding error, but there shouldn't be one. The files (left untreated) work and even if they were transcoded, it should be fine. What am I missing here?

On a side note, how do I make files load 100% of the time?

Edit: I feel stupid, but I solved this. It turned out to be two separate issues. The unreliability was due to conflict in my Tailscale setup. Next, I reread the transcoding guide, and realized that I misread the HWA encoding and decoding charts when I was setting up my server; this was also a simple fix, just unchecking a single box.


I used Signal for years and loved it, but I need SMS support to talk to, well, anyone I know. Is there a secure choice that's near-equal?


Got a fairly new setup going, and I love it...when it works. Half the time, I open my Jellyfin clients and it permanently hangs on loading anything. On my computers I can still access the files via network folders, so everything it connected. I'm mostly curious if this is a known issue or if I messed something up.

Edit: Solved, it was a networking issue and a transcoding issue.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

I got Jellyfin up and running, it's 10/10. I love this thing, and it reinvigorated my love for watching movies. So I decided to tackle all the other services I wanted, starting with Paperless-ngx...

What a nightmare. It doesn't have a Windows install so I made an Ubuntu VM. Don't get me started on Ubuntu. I just spent about 12hrs trying to get Portainer to cooperate and had to give up. I tried just installing Paperless the "normal way" and had to give up on that too.

My point: if you're getting started selfhosting you have to embrace and accept the self-inflicted punishment. Good luck everybody, I don't know if I can keep choosing to get disappointed.

Edit: good news! Almost everything I wanted to do is covered by Jellyfin which can be done in Windows.


Is there anything Jackett does that can't be manually installed to qBittorrent as a search plugin? I ask because Jackett DOES NOT work for me. Trust me, I've tried everything even with tech support. Its not my VPN and its not my ISP, because the sites are accessible and qBittorrent is definitely configured to work (and don't get me started about configuring Jackett, it gets old quick). I just want to make sure I'm not missing out on any potential trackers


Is it possible to one day replace the privacy nightmare of Amazon with a decentralized merchant network? All I really use Amazon for these day is aggregate customer reviews by query, then buy the items as direct as possible. Why can't respectable tools to this instead? I understand the cost, but could the tech be adopted?


I removed OneDrive, but it seems to have permanently ruined my Desktop folder. It is gone, and everything gets redirected to a OneDrive Desktop folder (which sucks a lot). How do I reverse all of that crap?

I tried to be petty about it and just make a new Desktop folder under Users, but it doesn't actually sync (I didn't expect it to) and it's just not the same.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

My Pi-hole is handling my DHCP, and I have Tailscale set up for remote access.

But how to I set my devices (for example, phone outside of my LAN) to route as follows: device > Pi-hole > NordVPN? Is that even possible?

The end goal being to combine the benefits of Pi-hole with a paid VPN, regardless of location.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Im getting back to dowloading Linux distros for the first time in over a have the times changed. I'm running qBittorrent with all the major repos including Jackett...but everything is downloading <10KiB/s?! Surely something is wrong, any ideas?

Edit: I am using a paid VPN

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