
joined 7 months ago
[–] 1 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

Thanks. I imagine most unicode characters and emojis are just copied over from some default font?

Maybe they'll patch it into a

[–] 1 points 19 hours ago

Yeah I was mocking the label "terrorist organization". There is no question that the USA and Israel routinely carry out terrorist attacks and should be labeled a terrorist regime. They've had decades to create peace and more moderate culture but they want this constant state of precariousness.

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago

Neither is ok of course. The thing is that Israel had an overwhelming military and economic advantage for decades. The strategy should have been to aid in democratization, education and prosperity of the occupied Palestinian territories and neighboring countries. Propaganda is an incredibly powerful tool and they could have used it to de-radicalize Palestinians and create a peaceful 1 or 2 state solution. They've had decades to do this. But they did the opposite.

Part of it is I believe the US geopolitical strategy. The USA does NOT like democracy in countries it wants to exploit. This isn't ideology it's just a result of playing imperialist games. Imagine countries with oil and resources were democratic and educated, they'd want to own and control their own resources instead of accepting all this despotism and corruption. See Saudi Arabia.

And of course, see Iran. They had a democratic society and when they wanted to "renegotiate" the oil deals in 1953 the UK and USA created a coup and put a dictator in charge (the shah) to continue to exploit cheap oil. You sometimes see this propaganda of how modern Iran was in the 1960 under the Shah, but there was also repression and torture in prisons. Iran's theocracy today has a guardian council that is I believe partially structure the way it is to prevent foreign influence or NGOs (the modern tool to create color revolutions). Of course Iran and other groups fight back, and one of their tools is Hezbollah.

Israel serves as a client state of the US to help control the middle east, and partially their strategy is to keep them unstable, to have the right amount of extremism and repression and poverty and suffering so they can be ruled through force alone.

Socialists call the USA fascist long before Trump because they do not see people in other countries as equal or "worthy" of democracy or prosperity. So from that viewpoint Israel's policy was fascist long before Netanyahu. At some point they killed of most of their Kibbuzihm which was their socialist base.

And all this is the reason why propaganda is presenting this as a pure "good vs evil" conflict instead of the brutal and cruel calculus of power or imperialism using very sophisticated strategies and tools.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Iran is attacking Israel. They could stop doing that anytime and have Israel leave them alone. That includes giving up on their uranium enrichment.

This is the ingrained propaganda that is clouding your understanding. Iran always complied (reasonably) with the NPT and seeks peaceful use of nuclear power. Just as Iraq didn't have WMDs. These lies are framing their resistance and defense against imperialist aggression as aggression on their side.

Obviously Iran isn't as nice and democratic, post racist and secular as the USA (/s) but they do have the right to defend themselves. Hezbollah is their tool. The US and Israel has theirs.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Worse? We have numbers for the respective body counts. They probably killed more Palestinian children in the last 8 months alone than Israeli victims in the entire history of terrorism against Israel.

Israel had decades of superior military power to ~~culturally genocide~~ re-educate Palestinians and create peace. Instead they chose fascism, oppression, and violence against their neighbors.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago (4 children)

All the info is available.

But it ISN'T. The US mainstream media constantly lies and the US pushes propaganda all around the world. We've been fed disinformation for decades not just since Trump. So I can't just read up on them without a deep dive in trying to first find neutral sources and read and then evaluate them. If you just read the standard version about them your perception is going to be warped. Like I said, they have bad PR, which really means prevailing propaganda brands them as evil.

I don't like their religious views either but fundamentally they are guys in a militia fighting against foreign invaders and threats to their country.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Right, Israel just needs a bit more lebensraum in the east / the west bank.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Or I can set up my own private server where nobody can join, then I can have anarchy, totalitarianism and socialism all at once!

[–] 29 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The headline is genocide apologia and should be banned.

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