
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

I studied savate (French kickboxing) for a while, as well as some karate. The savate really did wonders for my flexibility and balance in a way that I didn't experience with the karate, and it also felt more applicable in the "real world" in the same way that krav maga and other close quarter / street fighting martial arts do.

To echo @TexMexBazooka, the real lessons were in de-escalation and knowing how to defend yourself decisively to enable escape from the fight. My savate instructor was very clear that any and every fight was a deadly one and that if he found out we fought instead of escaping he'd kick the crap out of us and then kick us out of the program.

I think there's also a benefit in learning how to take a hit, even though the goal is to avoid those. There are lots of body mechanics involved in fighting motions and practical experience taking and avoiding hits teaches you to recognize those movements automatically.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

I have H.G. Wells' The Outline of History three volume set - the 1940/41 edition - which I found for five bucks. They're my nerdiest treasures.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

Bram Stoker's Way of the Vampire is at --/11, and is absolute trash. It's also hilariously stupid and worth watching with people who enjoy making fun of movies.

spoilerVan Helsing makes himself immortal, time passes, and he recruits a ragtag band of teens to fight vampires after he (ahem) teaches them kung fu. Big bad gives a rousing speech through Spirit of Halloween plastic fangs.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

This is great stuff! I am personally fond of the slightly yellower spot in the grout where it would be harder to have space to clean, that's an absolutely wonderfully realistic touch


Canonical yt link

Hoping folks enjoy their festivities safely

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Yup, been there. I've been getting bitten this week while removing the suspect eggs. Sometimes the girls will get off of them for enough time for me to inspect but sometimes they come back quickly and angry

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Take my updoot and stay ┬⁠─⁠─⁠┬⁠ ⁠¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Hey congrats! That's awesome! Also very happy to hear you've found another outlet for your music and great people to boot

[–] 12 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Ehh, they serve customers in the suburbs and city dwellers hoping to recapture a sense of not-being-in-the-city too. Us rural folks have dozens of places to go and pick up hay and shave and feed instead, so just like every other time some corp has done the right thing and then backtracked, they've lost the group that got all hurt about being included in a bigger tent, they've lost the group that was newly included, and they're left holding a presumably smaller portion of the market than before they failed to hold to their convictions. Make stupid moves, win stupid prizes.

[–] 13 points 1 week ago

We get asked by one of our nearby tractor supplies to participate in their market days during the summer, along with several other small businesses around us. I can think of several, besides us, that will tell them to pound sand and won't lend our credibility to their outreach programs - especially if that outreach is only for the benefit of some of our neighbors.

Eff that ish

[–] 52 points 1 week ago

Certainly not the U.S. citizens

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'll tell you that it does - or at least, the remembering becomes slightly less painful as time goes on. The lessons really stick, but it becomes easier to remember all the good stuff, and those are the things you should hold on to the hardest during those difficult times.

And I'm glad you shared with us, if for no other reason than helping you process your grief. I'm sure we're all sending our love, hoping to lighten the load in some small way.

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (6 children)

I'm so sorry for your loss and what you're going through 🫂

It might not be possible right now but please give yourself some grace. You were attentive to his condition and when it worsened you acted immediately. I can't imagine a better kind of human to place trust in, and I can't imagine him not knowing how hard you tried, how much you cared, or that he would ever blame you.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

[Image description: Mugatu meme template with top text that says "These coals" and bottom text that reads "so hot for up to 72 hours"]

I was told my compost puns were moldy after the last talk I gave, so this time I'm going with some memes that are straight 🔥🔥🔥


Hey folks! I'm hoping that someone can recommend a book or two on herbalism - preferably ones where the author discussed the terpenes and secondary plant metabolites more than the magickal properties of the plants in question.

Currently I'm looking up plants through things like the NIH portal but would prefer to have some books I could reference as well; those studies are usually focused on one or two metabolites or compounds and it would be nicer to have that sort of information for each indicated use. For example: plantain (Plantago major) and comfrey (Comfrey officinale) are both used for skin conditions due to their production of allantoin; mountain mints (Pycnanthemum spp) are used in various ways for their production of carvacrol, menthone, isomenthone, β-elemene, limonene, piperitone, and germacrene D.



I'm almost wrapped up with filling voids, bark inclusions, and knot holes in the boards for the bookcase. If our garage was climate controlled I expect this process would have gone faster; the same could be said if I had more horizontal working space for staging and filling. Once everything is done curing I should be able to go back over each board with the finishing grits to reach 220 - after that it's cutting to have a plumb edge and to create the shelf supports.

Since we're popping the grain in between sandings (spraying lightly with water and allowing to dry, which swells the softer grain and allows for a smoother finish) I've been able to see what these will sort of look like once finished, but the small bits of epoxy that made it over the edges of some of these really make the grain look downright sexy.


Kind of a busy week otherwise but progress is progress. I put comments on each image in the album to explain reasoning, goals, and steps taken - if you haven't done much carpentry I hope they help; if you have done much carpentry I hope you'll share your expertise. I've been around a bit and done a few things but this is not what I would call my specialty. Still, I'll do my best to answer any questions folks might have, even if I end up invoking Cunningham's Law.

I should quickly note that our house was not built to the same kinds of specifications found nowadays. Hell, it's not even built to the specifications in my books about building which were published in the same decade it was built. Improvements like fully gutting to run proper 2x8 timbers just isn't in the cards, even though it's what I would do if we were building from scratch.


I appreciate a creative use of scrap lumber as much as the next person, but jeez. I'm getting tired of floating sistered joists and framing.


I found this today going through papers and reports about the cognitive effects of nature themed stimuli. Some of these design patterns aren't within our control, but some of them are very accessible and might be interesting to folks looking to make smaller adjustments in their surroundings for mental health benefits.


[Image description: a wood burning of Bulbasaur on maple]

This is a piece I did for my newest neighbor as a housewarming gift

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Who else is hyped for the event, and what runs are you looking forward to?

For those unfamiliar - Awesome Games Done Quick is a charity speedrunning event benefitting the Prevent Cancer Foundation which runs from today through Saturday. Any donations made to PCF will also potentially enter you into raffles for some really cool prizes. Any subs or bits cheered will also go towards PCF.

I'm not affiliated with GDQ except as a prize donor, and being excited for their events



Hand done wood burning on mahogany. It's an image from the game manual of Tunic (if you haven't played, the manual is unlocked by finding its pages during gameplay). After cleaning up the enlarged image a little bit I transferred the image by hand with carbon paper before sitting down to do the burning in of the image.


Hey all you crafty creatives

I want to invite you to submit prizes for the upcoming Awesome Games Done Quick event to benefit the Prevent Cancer Foundation. I've donated a few prizes in the past and plan to submit one this time around too, but it would be really awesome if any of you decided to donate some time and creativity as well. Not only will the prizes help incentivize more donations, but it would be fun to see what others are coming up with and the various mediums we all work in. The prize submission page can be found here.

On a personal note - someone very close to us has had a recent negative development with their cancer, and it would really mean a lot if even one of you helps to raise funds for research to develop better testing and treatment. Fuck cancer.

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