
joined 8 months ago
[–] 16 points 6 hours ago

Another Nintendo classic. Never given em any money and ain't about to start.

[–] 0 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

They disabled desktop registration

Huh? Worked for me.

then can randomly ban people who try to make their usage of the platform more private/anonymous...

Telegram literally only banned CSAM.

Then there is censorship, at least here. And I have heard of at least one case of cooperation with German LE, so it's not "untouchable" for Westerners too.

Source? Because they're pretty transparent about it and have only ever banned CSAM. If that's what you mean by "censorship" please KYS

It was never safe with such an approach of "I can close my eyes and pretend the law doesn't apply to me" even in the West

Except that it was, and that's why people used it.

If it was hostile to privacy and anonymity by design

No it wasn't? It was literally the private anonymous messenger and that's why people used it.

it was a matter of time until it became wide open to Western LE too

No it wasn't, or they wouldn't have had to arrest Durov.

The sheer amount of compromate it had on users was a ticking time bomb.

Yeah, but so is every good thing.

"Highly decentralized complexity" - what does that even apply to?

The subject matter at hand - Telegram. It was legally a complex mess of shell companies in weird jurisdictions. That's why the glowies couldn't touch it, the level of international cooperation it would require is far beyond the realistic means of any government. This is why they had to arrest Durov and offer him life in prison or to open up, there was nothing else they could do.

That would apply to Matrix, XMPP, Simplex, especially Briar.

It would if any of these worked, or were used by anyone at all.

Even Signal can technically be selfhosted (whether it is feasible is another question)

I don't want to self-host my criminal messenger, i live deep in five eyes shit.

in Telegram you can't have even that because the server is closed.

I'm fine with that, as long as it's out of the glowies hands, but fella couldn't stay away from the hairy pits I guess

[–] -4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

You can't. You either go into work and learn to solve complex problems or pivot to something else. For me it was the latter, I'm IT brainlet now,, but every time I come back to brushing up on programming there's like no middle ground with projects, I don't have the time or really energy to commit to building a 3D video game engine in C or an OS, and learning pointer arithmetic for multiple iterators all just to make a palindrome checker CLI feels lame and building a clone of Spotify but in some new webdev thing of the week to some tutorial is hard to be excited about.

[–] 23 points 2 days ago

Move out asap. Being trans in Florida is like being gay or trans or a woman or all three in Afghanistan or Russia. It ain't wise

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

I have in my life met two people who used signal. They did it because I suggested it. They are both senior cybersec folks.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (5 children)

No? There's a pretty good reason every criminal used telegram. I've never seen any attempts at combatting anonymity much less censorship.

Likely TG got unbanned in Russia for cooperating with LEOs there, but while awful, that doesn't really matter if you're a westerner, even Ukrainian armed forces used it, and for the average substance enjoyer it was still much safer to use than any Five Eyes app due to its intentional highly decentralised complexity, and unlike Signal it actually works and is pleasant to use. Now they are straight up handing data over to British cops.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

No, I have literally never heard of Haveno-reto. Most people back around the shutdown were just saying everyone should use atomic swaps. Thanks for the heads up.

[–] 21 points 5 days ago (16 children)

Dream come true. Finally some good news for us substance enjoyers. With localmonero gone and TG selling out to the glowies, it's good to see not all is lost.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Fully functional

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (2 children)

The funko pop star wars nintendo pronoun screamers are to the political right what Alex Jones is to Ronald Reagan

[–] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

All those people are either masters at making use of little space (if you've ever seen electroboom's set in that one LTT video yk tho he ain't euro) or they've got a much bigger space (e.g. house, maybe even detached) than they're letting on. There's a good reason lots of tech YTers are from Texas.

There's also ofc some folks who just live drowning in garbage from various projects, but you won't know about them.

The maker spaces, and more specifically in my xp in London - hackspaces are cramped kindergartens

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

RetroArch never works right. Even once you get past the cores and all the other stupid bs, once you get to setting up the controls it never works right, most buttons just do not work in game, if they even work in the menus.

So many years, so much effort, all wasted.

It's still so much easier to keep BlastEm, Snes9x, Duckstation and whatever else installed, so much faster to set up controls and most of the time you don't even need to as everything works out of the box.

And yet plebbit will say nuhhh use muh libretro cores!!!!1 so heckin' wholesome Keanu chungus 100!!! I love my wife's boyfriend!!!!111 Thanks Reddit!!!!!


Why is the solarpunk memes community on this instance filled with such massively anti-left folks?


I've found lots of examples in C of programs illustrating buffer Overflows, including those of pointer rewrites which has been of great help in understanding how a buffer overflow works and memory safety etc. but I've yet to be able to find an example illustrating how such a buffer overflow can rewrite a pointer in such a way that it actually results in code execution?

Is this just not a thing, or is my google-fu rust y? Tried ChatGPT and my local Mistral and they both seem unable to spit out precisely what I'm asking, so maybe I'm wording this question wrong.

If anyone in here knows, could point me in the right direction? Thanks y'all btw love this community 🧡


Was trying to extract a totally legit copy of Skate 3 I downloaded today to play on my Steam Deck


Hey y'all

So I've been a big anti-Wayland shill around here but decided to finally give it a shot, I installed Debian 12 with GNOME, and can't seem to get Plank working.

Without the Plank dock, GNOME is unusable, and KDE refuses to autostart Guake (does not save the setting in autostart), and when it works it seems broken (stuck to the left side of the screen).

These are fundamental apps to me for any decent Linux laptop use. What gives? Is there an alternative?


Just got a steam deck and immediately checked out the desktop mode, and I was somewhat surprised to see KDE and pacman as opposed to GNOME and apt, I have nothing against the former though a strong preference for the latter, anyone know why Volvo went in this direction?


Hey! After seeing the main Anarchist sub on another instance be a bit of a shit show this one seems awesome and I do love me some solarpunk so this instance seems pretty cool as well.

But I gotta ask, is this instance anprim/anti-civ? I see green in the sub banner. It's not really a worldview I vibe with since I'm very much pro-tech, pro-civ, pro-AI, pro-medicine and pro-LGBT & disability rights, so if the majority here are of that persuasion I should probably bail, don't want to argue or start fights.

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