There are already cybernetic implants. I think pacemakers count as them.
You only see greyscale? O_o
I'm not sure if #ebooks mirrors Libgen. I wouldn't be surprised if they copy from each other.
I have allergies against ads, countdowns, etc. The interweb is polluted with that stuff and so are most piracy sites.
I find irc to be much easier to use than the alternatives. Just a click to start hexchat and then it auto-connects to the right server and auto-joins the right channel. All within seconds. I even get my animes from irc like I did in 2005. 😁
An alternative is plain old school irc. I'm not kidding.
Connect to then /j #ebooks then !search <author and/or title>
Receive search results via xdcc which gives you the commands to download that stuff.
Or query one of the bots (e. g. @bsk) and get a list of hundreds of thousands of books that are available and search that for what you want.
I prefer that over ad infested one click hosters with countdowns, link shortener cascades and captchas. I find and get the stuff much faster by using irc.
What? Automated food supply?
I like the tape. Won't hold but also won't fall apart especially if you want to remove it. The right kind of mixture to make yourself hate yourself. :D
The people back then lived to 60-70 years. The average life expectancy was 30-40 years because of the extremely high child mortality. Almost like half the children died before they became 10 years old. Most of them died within their first year when the body and immune system are still very weak.
The breeder of my dog gave him the name Timber vom Uckersee (Timber of Ucker lake). Yes, he was considered a noble because the breeder made sure to keep the blood line clean and that the dog showed all the features that defines this particular breed.
The Ucker lake is a lake nearby. The dog was part of the 20th litter of the breeder that's why all the offspring got names starting with a t, the 20th letter of the alphabet.
We usually called our dog just Timmi (or Timmy for English speakers). He was a cocker spaniel with red fur and lived to an age of 14.5 years. A good age for that breed (13-15 years life expectancy). Unfortunately we had to put him down. He had a disease that reduced the blood's ability to transport oxygen. By the time we discovered it all his inner organs were too damaged for him to continue living without serious disabilities.
He looked similar to this one (tap to see).
Now that I remember him I feel sad that I lost him.
Some car parts travel across the US/CAN border six to seven times. The price increase will be much higher than 25%.
I wonder if it's true that the US car production will grind to a halt within a week as some analysts say. That would be huge!
I would like to see the events that made the Klingons join the Federation in the future. Raw emotions vs. compassion. Should be fun.
Google was already shit for years. Its purpose nowadays is not to deliver whatever search results the user requested, it’s purpose is to keep the user dangling so that he clicks on one of the sponsored links - that’s money.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason you won’t find anything anymore on Google.
You can try DuckDuckGo. They are pretty open on what they do. The search engine is Bing and the maps come from Apple and you can chose your preferred AI from a list.
I haven’t heard about the decentralized search engines. Are they any good? Or are they more in like a proof of concept stage?
Horsey goes two in a line and one to the side.
That's definitely a double jump! It's gaming the system! 🤯