
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

It's a statement of support of minorities. I think that's a pretty good, fair reason, and not "just to cause drama".

Not making a statement is letting the original statement stand.

[–] 1 points 10 hours ago

oh, that's a cool website

adds it to bookmarks and search bookmarks

[–] 3 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

But did it reach test or production environment yet? Or will it die in development environment.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Even C# has something that few people use, but it has something.

Huh? Are you claiming few people use NuGet?

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Read/Inspect and contribute to FOSS. They'll be bigger and longer lived than small, personal, and experimental projects.

Study computer science.

Work, preferably in an environment with mentors, and long-/continuously-maintained projects.

Look at alternative approaches and ecosystems. Like .NET (very good docs and guidance), a functional programming language, Rust, or Web.

That being said, you ask about "should", but I think if it's useful for personal utilities that's good enough as well. Depends on your interest, goals, wants, and where you want to go in the future.

For me, managing my clan servers and website, reading online, and contributing to FOSS were my biggest contributors to learning and expertise.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Valve is generously providing backing for two critical projects that will have a huge impact on our distribution: a build service infrastructure and a secure signing enclave.

[–] 16 points 5 days ago (1 children)

What is Tails?

and Tails, a portable operating system that uses Tor

[–] 12 points 5 days ago

Formatted, so I can read it

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: 
 Cannot invoke "String.toLowerCase()" because the return value of 
"com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException$PersonalDetails.getEmailAddress()" is null
 at com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException.main(
[–] 4 points 5 days ago

Damn, that's a long list. Looks like a lot of work to collect and prepare.

I was looking for more of an overview of it and selected them from the headlines:

  1. 2014: Completely broken IndexedDB implementation
  2. 2015: 100vh (100% viewport height) means a different thing in mobile Safari to everywhere else
  3. 2016: with overflow:hidden CSS is scrollable on iOS
  4. 2017: Safari incorrectly blocks localhost as mixed content when accessed from an HTTPS page
  5. 2018: OS 11.2.2 broke WebAssembly
  6. 2018: Safari 11.1 broke MessageChannels
  7. 2019: Audio stops playing when standalone web app is no longer in foreground
  8. 2019: PWA in iOS uses old assets after publishing new servicerWorker/assets
  9. 2020: Add Fullscreen API to iOS (& display fullscreen)
  10. 2021: Safari shipped, crashes with a NULL pointer exception
  11. 2021: Appending an element to the shadow DOM in many cases hard crashes the browser process
  12. 2021: LocalStorage is broken when a page is open in more than one tab
  13. 2021: IndexedDB APIs hangs indefinitely on initial page load
  14. 2021: Fetch request streaming is implemented just enough to pass feature detection, but it doesn't actually work
  15. 2021: IndexedDB API information leaks
  16. 2023: Notifications API: support for the badge, icon, image and tag options
  17. 2024: On-screen keyboard does not show up for installed web apps (PWAs) when focusing a text input of any kind
  18. 2008: Focus events for non-input elements behave differently in Safari to every other browser
  19. 2012: Using border-image with border-style: none is rendered completely wrong
  20. 2014: WebKit doesn't calculate padding-top/-bottom: n% correctly
  21. 2014: Pointer events should allow for device-pixel accuracy
  22. 2017: Support for 120Hz requestAnimationFrame
  23. 2018: Some Fetch requests incorrectly completely skip the service worker
  24. 2020: Safari 14 shipped a broken replaceChildren() method, which caused glitches in Construct.
  25. 2020: When leaving current scope of PWA, back button incorrectly reads "Untitled"
  26. 2020: Safe-area-inset-bottom still set when keyboard appears
  27. 2020: Support for background-attachment: local has suddenly completely disappeared
  28. 2021: IntersectionObserver and ResizeObserver fire in incorrect order
  29. 2021: Mousemove events fire when modifier keys are pressed, even if the mouse isn't moved
  30. 2021: Scrolling in home screen apps incorrectly latches to document
  31. 2022: WebM Opus support is inconsistent in Safari
  32. 2022: Installed web app with viewport-fit cover causes overscroll issues, breaks position fixed and -webkit-fill-available
  33. 2023: iPadOS: Viewport doesn't correctly restore after dismissing software keyboard for installed web apps
  34. 2023: iPadOS: window loses focus when dismissing the keyboard, breaks Page Lifecycle API
  35. 2024: Svh and lvh are incorrect on iOS in third party browsers

DOM query

let a = ''
for (let x of document.querySelectorAll('h3 a[title]')) a += x.title + "\n"

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Now that you say so, I feel like I've read about this before. In comments about Diatraxis/one of them years ago. :)

[–] 7 points 5 days ago

I like that even here on Lemmy, with inline code format, colors.ini is not being colored but color.ini is. Great symbolism for your issue.


researchers conducted experimental surveys with more than 1,000 adults in the U.S. to evaluate the relationship between AI disclosure and consumer behavior

The findings consistently showed products described as using artificial intelligence were less popular

“When AI is mentioned, it tends to lower emotional trust, which in turn decreases purchase intentions,”


That intro though.


Mapping C# array types to PostgreSQL array columns or other DBMS/DB JSON columns.


UI Components: Smart Paste, Smart TextArea, Smart ComboBox

Dependency: Azure Cloud

They show an interesting new kind of interactivity. (Not that I, personally, would ever use Azure Cloud for that though.)


Truly astonishing how much generalized modding seems to be possible through general DirectX (8/9) interfaces and official Nvidia provided tooling.

As an AMD graphics card user, it's very unfortunate that RTX/this functionality is proprietary/exclusive Nvidia. The tooling at least. The produced results supposedly should work on other graphics cards too (I didn't find official/upstream docs about it).

For more technical details of how it works, see the GameWorks wiki:


There's a lot, and specifically a lot of machine learning talk and features in the 1.5 release of Opus - the free and open audio codec.

Audible and continuous (albeit jittery) talk on 90% packet loss is crazy.

Section WebRTC IntegrationSamples has an example where you can test out the 90 % packet loss audio.

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