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[–] 9 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

I am about to share way way too much. So I figure I must be fairly attractive for a male, though I don't consider myself all that attractive. I have been hit on by both women and gay men. Most men on this planet have not, from either.

Here's the thing that women don't get. Even for someone like me it's few and far between. Like once a decade rare. And the few times it has happened, it did feel pretty good.

Imagine pining for that. I'm in a happy marriage, but I could imagine how lonely it would be to never have it happen ever.

So the saddest thing about her response that a straight man is jealous of the attention a 23 year old woman gets truly shows her ignorance. Because, many men would want that. Even if it's just to get a compliment once.

It's a sad world we live in.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

No I'm saying regardless of your opinion, you shouldn't have an opinion based on the source of the statement is what I'm saying. Yes MBS is trash, but I would still listen to what he has to say.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Sadly we know this is not true. Just ask the Palestinians and Russians. Regardless of our opinions, those weapons they sent aren't moldy and absolutely do work.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

So you think giving people freedoms to drink and go to bars is a bad thing?

And yes I'm fully aware of Khashoggi. What I'm saying is all people all governments have good and bad. I can easily agree with many things that awful people do. It doesn't make them any less awful, but I'm not so ignorant to be opposed to something just because an awful person says it.

So to hate a good idea just because of it's messenger is ignorant at best and harmful at worst.

The reason I bring this up is because in USA it's becoming more and more like this. That regardless of what the policy is, the only thing the stupid politicians care about now is who the messenger is. And it's doing incredible damage to the country.

Now, obviously you're just making a statement. I don't really disagree with it as I think MBS is a horrible human being. But I really don't like the idea of agreeing or disagreeing with someone based on the person saying it.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

This is absolute proof that the US knows China won't invade. If the US thought there was even a slight chance that the invasion would happen, they would have not sent garbage. Especially since they keep calling Taiwan the unsinkable carrier and how important Taiwan is to protect the first island chain. So the only 2 possibilities are that:

  1. It's not actually important to the first island chain (which we know it is, that's why China even cares about it at all).

  2. US has no concern what so ever of China invading.

So now we know it's absolutely the US trying to start a conflict with China to invade Taiwan. They want this kind of news to leak out so China would be emboldened to attack.

*Edit: And if anyone says it's about semiconductors, you don't understand how semiconductor manufacturing works. Any violent conflict would pretty much result in a total destruction of the semiconductor factory.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

It's been like this since the beginning of human societies. And every time the people in charge keep lying and convincing it's citizens it's way more than just a game. Last century it was religion, this century is human rights.

The only consistent mistake is the stupid citizens buy it everytime. You've just woken up. Hate to tell you, it never gets better.

[–] 69 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Aaaand... we're upvoting comments of people that obviously have not read the article.

New court documents filed in the US shows that Russian authorities “seized” Google’s money from their bank account in Moscow in 2022 around the time Putin invaded Ukraine.

This happened at the time of the initial invasion and this article is just talking about the lawsuit over it.

So, unless your trying to imply that Google should have been able to see the future, your comment is inappropriate. I only point this out because you're so highly voted up and are clearly spreading misinformation.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago

I don't understand why people don't understand China's position. Especially since your so correct in your assessment. Xi will absolutely not suggest a god damn thing. China couldn't give less of a shit where the borders are between Russia and Ukraine. It's because of everything you said. They don't want Russia to crumble completely because of BRICS, beyond that if Russia returns all the land to Ukraine, China would be fine with that. Hell, even if Russia takes fairly significant losses and becomes a vassal state to China, that outcome would be fine to. Russia just can't completely crumble. China has been using it's natural resources to buy allies, that's why BRICS has been growing. Not because of anything to do with the war. This is also why all the world calling for China to stop Russia has fallen on deaf ears. China simply does not care. Except of course if it can help their PR, which is all this meeting would be about.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Only in times of war. It's literally one of the checks and balances to specifically prevent a president from stopping an election. Now, if we start a full blown war with Russia...

[–] 6 points 3 months ago (3 children)

If that happens good? Why do we think having countries and borders that creates strife a good thing? If we eliminate all borders and are just humanity I see that as an absolute win.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

I'm curious. When you read articles about how great the economy in the US is and it's just the voters that don't understand, do you agree? Do you believe the US government no matter how badly they do? If you don't believe the US government on this, why do you believe what their propaganda says about their enemies?

[–] 6 points 3 months ago

It's because they were never that effective before. But with the advent of drones, they have suddenly become a wildly important protection. This is cause the drones can get stuck in those slat gaps. No other weapon before had this kind of weakness. They were all basically just ballistics before drones.

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