
joined 6 months ago
[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

An important part of that process that needs mentioning is that when the mothers are convinced by Nestle to feed their babies formula instead of their breast milk, their bodies will stop producing the milk before the baby is weaned from it.

So Nestle literally endangers babies' lives just to sell more baby formula.

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Je crois que tu penses à "the narcissist's prayer" (dont l'Internet me dit que c'est Dayna Craig l'auteur) :

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

In case the "dim" comment isn't a joke, as I recall it's short for "dimension", as in you are specifying each variable's dimension in the computer's memory. Source: some "intro to programming with vb6" book I read like 15 years ago at this point.

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 4 points 3 weeks ago

Not necessarily cash, but definitely a bit of luck. Some lawyers, if they think a case is guaranteed to go your way, will do the work for free in exchange for receiving a portion of the damages the final judgement will award you. Even rarer, some lawyers care enough about some issues on a personal level that they'll work for free, or reduced rates, on certain cases.

In this case, I'm not sure there are any damages whatsoever to award to OP - a "win" is forcing the company to abide by the GPL, not pay up money. The EFF and the FSF, as others have brought up, are probably the best bet to find lawyers that would work on this case for the outcome instead of the pay.

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Tout comme a une époque les portugais et polonais n’étaient pas blancs au meme titre que les français "de souche", la déclinaison politique et sociale des "races" s'adapte avec le temps et aux besoins de ceux au pouvoir (et notamment des que les anciennes limites entre "races" deviennent un rapport de force trop perdant).

Le discours du RN c'est clairement "on se permet de faire payer aux non-francais tout ce qu'il faudra pour nous mettre bien". D’où slogans comme "preference nationale" (tiens donc ca ressemble drôlement a "socialisme national"). C'est de ca dont @peotr26@sh.itjust.works parle quant il évoque le pacte raciale. Donc tes cohabitants qui votent a 55% pour le RN avec en tête "tant pis pour les autres, au moins on va s'occuper de moi" s’inscrivent dedans, peu importe leur couleur de peau ou leurs "origines'. Et il faut soit être ignorant, soit avoir ca en tête pour voter RN aujourd'hui.

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 1 points 3 weeks ago

14% des votants LFI étaient prêts à voter RN...

Finalement, vu les résultats de l'élection elle même, ce n'est tristement pas si surprenant.

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 2 points 3 weeks ago

Merde, un bon qui nous quitte...

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 2 points 3 weeks ago

"gros gg à ce crack"

Mdr vous faites pas de recherches complémentaires avant une interview? Entre nand2tetris, la chaîne youtube de Ben Eater, tous ces youtubeurs qui font des proc dans Minecraft et Terraria, et bien sûr les étudiants à travers le monde qui suivent des formations d'informatique qui partent de "bases solides", l'habillage de cette vidéo fait penser à des commerciaux à 2 balles qui ne savent pas survendre chaque petit truc.

Après, bon, j'ai pas regardé la vidéo, si ça se trouve l'interview reste pertinente et tout ce que je critique n'est que partie du jeu YT pour rester rentable (je note que la vidéo de 11 minutes est créditée à 8 (!) personnes - effectivement il en faut des vues pour espérer tourner un profit).

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 3 points 4 weeks ago

You're right, I should have been more specific.

If you're already storing your password using pass, you aren't getting 3 factors with pass-otp unless you store the otp generation into a separate store.

For services like GitHub that mandate using an otp, it's convenient without being an effective loss of 2fa to store everything together.

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 11 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (2 children)

I already use pass ("the unix password manager") and there's a pretty decent extension that lets it handle 2fa: https://github.com/tadfisher/pass-otp

Worth noting that this somewhat defeats the purpose of 2fa if you put your GitHub password in the same store as the one used for otp. Nevertheless, this let's me sign on to 2fa services from the command line without purchasing a USB dongle or needing a smartphone on-hand.

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 2 points 1 month ago

Article is from October of 2020, I'd be interested in learning how/if things have changed since.

[–] Jayjader@jlai.lu 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

This seems right up my alley, as a fan of the Micromachines games and RTS in general.

I'll try to give it a go when I regain a decent internet landline.

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