
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 5 hours ago (3 children)

We have way more resources and production available today to achieve an absolute amount of TWh. If anything, being able to acheive the same growth with Nuclear in the 70s and 80s is a much larger achievement when considering how much larger a portion of the total supply it represented.

[–] 10 points 6 hours ago

The fact that the democrats have selected such a terrible candidate that Trump has a running chance for the third time in a row and that the US as a whole has selected two awful candidates for possibly the most important job in the world, that is a disgrace, and it is shameful.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Transport grids aren't free, and excess electricity production is bad as it requires curtailment (wastage) which isn't free either to prevent damage to electric equipment (very expensive).

Besides, when renewables produce these excesses, this will often be the case in a very large area.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The existing solution isn't economical, mostly due to grid costs. If you want it, it'll have to come from the tax payers pocket, which means it has to compete with stuff like healthcare.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

So you mean the Tories are also assholes? Tell me something I didn't know

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I do, and where I live being the first to throw a punch towards anyone for almost any reason is generally frowned upon.

The reason that violence is dangerous in this context is that it can allow a violent minority to oppress and subjugate a majority. By removing it from society in general and de-legitimizing its use the influence of these sorts of people can be effectively minimized.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That's a terrible comparison. The same can be applied to any state with an aggressive foreign policy - or violent group intent on assailing a legitimate, elected government.

Political violence instead tends to fuel and enlarge these sorts of radical, violent movements, ultimately worsening the situation even further. The antidote is de-legitimizing their entire strategy by enforcing non-violence on an institutional level, a peaceful transfer of power. This shows the general populace that the most dangerous thing in the room is in fact the violent extremist, who needs to be locked up the moment they break the social contract of non-violence.

[–] 24 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I prefer lemmy but miss the niche communities. The Swedish national community for instance, roleplaying communities, niche game communities etc.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Bikes can be lethal. See my other comment here.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

An old lady at the hospital I used to work at was killed by a bike rider crashing into her at a high rate of speed. She hit her head on the pavement & fell unconscious - person on the bike bailed, when she was found after a few minutes it was too late.

It is far easier to protect pedestrians from 4-wheeled vehicles with simple measures such as concrete bollards and fences, but a 2-wheeled vehicle can go basically anywhere a pedestrian can, and now with EVs they can do it way faster without much effort.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Civil disobedience is not inherently criminal in the western world (that would be horrible) - criminal acts are. In this case, the civil disobedience involves crime, and the organization explicitly plans illegal action, fitting the bill of what that law prohibits.

If them being convicted based on those laws are a problem -change them. That's often part of the purpose of civil disobedience, highlighting problematic laws, swaying public opinion and getting lawmakers to change them.


Just don't ask how long it took to get my dGPU working properly :D But thankfully, there were a bunch of helpful folks with tips!


It actually states that you may transfer your rights to the game to another person, which is, like... wow.

I'm not sure if I've ever seen this in another steam-connected game.

I still dislike the wording around the fact that the TOS can be changed at any time, and refusing revokes your right to playing it (without any compensation), but that's pretty much industry standard (unfortunately). This however, stood out to me.

P.S: If any of y'all have some extraordinary TOS's for other games that stand out in good (or bad) way feel free to share, it'd be interesting to know if there are others!


So I've got a pretty old smartphone and have replaced the battery once already. I've kept track of wear with the help of accubattery, since the phone didn't have that built in.

However, enshittification is encroaching, and I'm now looking for alternatives. What are some decent options?


As something of a history buff I've read about a fair few Kings and Queens through history. There are many of them, most mediocre, a lot of them objectively bad, however, now and again one stands out from the masses as a good one.

So, what (according to you) makes a good monarch? Feel free to point to a particular person, or event as an example :)


If you, like me, live in the EU, Facebook is now entirely clamping down and forcing free users to make their personal data available for monetization.

Attempting to access any Facebook domain and perhaps also other meta products will redirect you to the following prompt with a choice between either accepting the monetization of your user data, or coughing up a region-dependent monthly subscription fee: base (for me ~10€) + an additional fee (~7€) for each additional facebook or instagram account you have.

Now, the hidden third option. At an initial glance, it seems like there is no other option but to click one of the buttons - however, certain links still work, and grant access to important pieces of functionality through your web browser.

If anyone has information to add regarding Facebook or Instagram, please do share it. I've only (begrudgingly) used the former up until now, but I know many others use Instagram and don't feel like giving a single cent (nor their personal info) to Meta.

  1. - perhaps most important of all, now is a good time to make a request to download your Facebook data. Don't forget to switch to data for "all time" and "high quality" if you intend to permanently delete your account.

  2. - here you can find and manage your information, but crucially also access Facebook messenger.

  3. The messenger app: Still hasn't prompted me with anything, though I expect that will change in the not too far future.

Currently my plan is to use messenger to inform any important friends that I intend to leave FB, and where they'll be able to reach me in the future.


This time around, the base prompt is the title. Same as previous: SDXL 1.0 via NightCafé. Getting with the spirit of halloween. Inspired by the expression "That's a killer app!".

^Full^ ^details^ ^and^ ^settings^ ^are^ ^shared^ ^at^ ^my^ ^profile^ ^(/u/Iceblade02)^ ^on^ ^there^

With a Broken Heart (
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

Keeping the streak going with a new vibe.

Once again, SDXL 1.0 @ NightCafé, inspired by the song "One Way Ticket" (to the blues), with Neil Sedaka

Full prompt details & other creations on my profile there (/u/Iceblade02)


Made with SDXL 1.0 via NightCafé, inspired by a session of 1830 (the boardgame) this Sunday.


Y'all folks make me want to make stuff just to share :)

Not shilling firefox this time I promise!


Yes, I miss the fox in the logo, so adorable <3


[Translation from the Swedish article below]

Protesters stormed Sweden's embassy in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Thursday, according to several media reports.

According to the news agency AFP, the storming was short-lived, lasting about 15 minutes. The protesters reportedly left the building peacefully when security forces arrived at the scene.

AFP reports that there were several dozen protesters who entered the building in protest of the Quran burning in central Stockholm on Wednesday.

The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated to SVT that all embassy personnel are safe.

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