Please don't, but a setting for custom colors would be nice anyways
Not yet 30 and can't be bothered with Linux on desktop
Idk why? I like it to see the clock on the always on display, but you can also change it so you just have a small red pixels lit up, to mirror the "notification led style". You can style the aod like you want on Android
Yeah idk if the "hot" sorting is broken or the date
Than idk what his problem is, on Android I can toggle the little browser icon on/off and have full control of the icon.
Well idk how it works on iOS
On Android I can just change the iconnto whatever I like, isn't that possible on iOS?
Yes, everyone can see it they do not even need to be logged in to the instance.
On Samsung phones your whole screen flashes in a custom color and and animation, and after that you have your always on display. So they are no longer needed with OLED screens that can display it themselves
Huh, never noticed that there was no sound.
Ich weiß auch gar nicht woher diese Ablehnung kommt, ist das wie bei dem Impfstoff, dass die Leute denken sie mutieren über Nacht wenn sie das zu sich nehmen?
Guter Mann, der Herr Loermann! Find ich gut, was er sagt!