
joined 5 months ago
[–] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 11 points 5 months ago


When I just wake up I need sustenance but my motor skills are as low as my brain fog is high. I -am- however functional enough to press the "make coffee button" and slap a spoon in a container of yogurt.

Yogurt and decaf* coffee are nice, but not enough to keep my 100+KG of pure overthinking going for long. Luckily, while sipping on my coffee I can knead dough, so by lunchtime I should have fresh bread. (or stale bread from the day before)** What goes on the bread has been decided mostly in my youth, has been altered when I moved on my own, and these days only gets tweaked... it works, why fuck with it.

Dinner has been planned over the weekend so when evening starts and my brain is all cooked out, but my motor skills are at its peak, cooking up some pasta/rice/potato dish with veggies should be easy. Anything more involved is for occasions where I have time to be invested in cooking. On weekends I cook bulk for the days where I don't function, so my freezer is stuffed with all sort of 1 pan dishes.

Within these variables I eat fairly varied, but you really don't want to be around when I am forced to change them on short notice. EG; when I forgot to get yoghurt, it might take me untill mid afternoon untill ive recovered ^^"

it took me about 15 years to work this system out, but by george I have finally mastered eating 3 meals a day.

*Don't give me regular, apocalypses have been started over less.

**Im working on baguette dough so I can make it the day before so i can portion better and don't have to knead in the morning)

[–] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Speaking from my own experiences.... (i'm diagnosed with autism and high-IQ)

People seem to read vulnerabilities they cant really place as general mental fucked upness. For example, I struggle when two people talk to me at the same time, or ask me several questions at once. Have a couple of these incidents happen and some people start treating me as if I'm missing a chromosome. I think when people are dealing with something thy know little about, some would rather fill the blanks with ignorance and stereotypes. You could invite them to learn more, but also... meh, their loss.

People who are familiar with autism, or being overloaded on info... they often automatically slow down, ask about my challenges, ect.

I've learned some tricks to demand respect though, you can't expect everyone to be sensible. I have an elaborate vocabulaire, and though I prefer to talk informal, sometimes talking slightly more formal than the person in front of you can keep them on their toes.

Another direction, I also like to deploy, is to just play the dumdum they think I am. It means less expectations, less bullshit. And honestly, nothing is more satisfying when halfway trough the year they find out you know the source material better than they do.

Another thing that has really worked for me is to surround myself with people who are eager to get to know me as an individual. In time this has also helped me grow the confidence to convince or even demand other people to understand how I work even if it originally isn't there priority.

Hope his helps

[–] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 6 points 5 months ago

nice try narcissists

[–] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago

My house sadly isn't a house, but it's a house!

[–] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 2 points 5 months ago

thanks. honestly 15 years ago it was a nice place... now not so much

[–] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago (2 children)

lol I fled here from 9gag. Either y'all are extremely nice, or I have been suffering from Stockholm syndrome for the last decade. :')

Probably both