And then you got the
joined 2 weeks ago
Yea understood all good. I just don’t really use any of those 4 currently
Sir this is a wendys
IMO There’s quite a few folks on Lemmy that hate everyone and just wanna sit in their room on their computer. And starting a small business is not even in their realm of thought
Also it’s the internet so people say fucked up shit then say they were just joking if it’s not received
I don’t take things as jokes if they’re isn’t some attempt at being funny
The anti-aircraft add-on really gives a lot of bang for the buck
Your username states otherwise in the joking part so sorry, don’t believe ya
Judge allows testing of tissue from George Floyd as officer convicted of killing him seeks new trial
Shit will straight up explode everywhere if so
If you need to cut someone off, best to do it to a Tesla as the car is likely to prevent collision and you get to piss off a musk simp