
joined 1 year ago
[–] 92 points 2 weeks ago (24 children)

“I’m kissing convenience goodbye, I just want control."

He is in for a surprise when he realizes GNU/Linux is much more convenient than Winblows.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Curiosity and desire to learn.

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago

At that amount of ram, you'd be better buying a rpi 3 or a opi zero 3 one.

[–] 6 points 4 weeks ago

Hey, how's 2080 OP? Will we finally get nano pcs able to run Crysis at 16k, with a power draw under 5w?

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Dietpi.. For no particular/proper reason other than its (extreme) focus on minimalism.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I've got two Orange pi zero 3's (one acting as my "home lab" and the other one as my... lab rat.) which aren't ATM machines or PDA's, but... they are more like "very confused potatoes who think they are pcs" and everything "just werks" as intended.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Reminds me of a "Realism" mod for Minecraft.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I'm using Dietpi on my Orange pi zero 3. Aaaaaand because I'm (pretty much) forced to.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Bro have you ever tried to get rid of a habit? It’s fucking hard.

It's not hard when you take the first step to admit that a habit is bad and you need to get rid of it. Even if your subconscious tells you not to.

If anything, that is a great way to improve/learn self-control.

You missed entirely OP’s point

I "missed" it because embracing a bad habit and adapting outside things to it is not how you (properly) get things done.

tl;dw: You have a brain for a reason. Use it.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (3 children)


Improvise (but not really). Adapt. Overcome.

Then again, I'd rather go for a much "cleaner" approach and suggest new users to "unlearn" the bad habits learnt by using Windows. Which is the "click once and forget" mentality, along many others.


Title. Long,short story: creating or editing files with nano as my non-root user gives (the file) elevated privileges, like I have ran it w/ sudo or as root. And the (only) "security hole" that I can think of is a nextdns docker container running as root. That aside, its very "overkill" security-wise (cap_drop=ALL, non-root image, security_opt=no_new_privileges, etc.).

It's like someone tried to hack me but gave up halfway. Am I right or wrong to assume this? Just curious.

Thanks in advance.

Just sharing how "magical" the CLI can be. You are welcome.

-EDIT Did a little "oopsie" there. My bad. It's fixed now.

-EDIT2 Nvm that, lemmy disliked my code for some reason. It's in the pastebin link. And the code in there is working as intended.


Title. Just wondering if I did something bad/terrible with it. Link is @ title. Check the image tag @ its repo to see how it was built. And before someone asks... the Docker lemmy community is really dead so I had to resort to you guys. Sorry, I guess.

And thanks in advance.


Long, short story:

Am bad-to-average FPS gamer, looking to improve. Saw an OSU! gamer flinging its "shots" left and right and tried my best to mimick the experience in an FPS. And it worked significantly -- all of my shots felt more "secure", even with my aiming being rusty beyond belief.

And the "trick" to do this is simply leaving your "aiming hand" to aim (ONLY) while leaving your "non-aiming hand" to shoot and everything else. That's it.


Title. Just curious since apparently cap_drop=all means that the container "can't do a thing" (?). Root users are (also) included in this (?). That'd be great if someone could enlighten me on this topic.

Thanks in advance.


Because yes, even a rat can feel attraction by another rat and bang it.

tl;dr: We are more than a (simple) outburst of emotions/desires.





Nothing too shabby honestly. But there you have it nonetheless. And yep, I used AI for a l"head start". :p


In short:

Image/video related to your interest = dopamine hit. Constant dopamine hits = addiction. Addiction = depression, less braincells, mental illness.

Text only = none of the above because no image/video = makes you think. And thinking is (obviously) good.


Title. Just had this baseless yet possible idea on my head and I'd like to know how wrong it is? Since afaik, "nobody" has absolutely zero permissions... other than the ones given by the user. Pretty sure I'm missing something vital or important, but... I'm completely fine being called dumb every now and then.

Thanks in advance.


Apparently nobody has ever bothered to improve nextdns in a container, so I took the initiative to do so by making it scratch-based, with nobody as the main user. Docker-compose and Dockerfile are both included in the provided url @ title.

"What is nextdns?"

"Does it work?"

Yep -- currently using it as I type this. I also confirm that the user "nobody" is running nextdns.

"What makes the nobody user so special?"

The "nobody" user is a pseudo-user in many Unixes and Linux distributions that represents the user with the least permissions on the system. In many Unix variants, "nobody" is the conventional name of a user identifier which owns no files, is in no privileged groups, and has no abilities except those which every other user has. It is normally not enabled as a user account, i.e. has no home directory or login credentials assigned. Some systems also define an equivalent group "nogroup".

You are welcome.


Title. Probably the dumbest thing I ever posted in my entire lifetime, but there you have it. Downvote at your own leisure.

t. Am using Orange pi zero 3, with "technically zero" linux support, trying to figure out a way to make it have PROPER linux support. And yes, I managed to add, er... a "half-baked" gpu support.

-EDIT Comes out I'm (obviously) dumb and decided to sudo apt dist-upgrade my way out of this, and... welp, it worked. Currently typing all this waste of time on my (now recently updated to rolling release) opi zero 3 and everything feels much smoother and I can (almost) watch 4k videos, despise this little fella having (only) 1 GiB of ram. Eh... so consider this as a "Debian the superior distro indirect propaganda post".

tl;dr: Welp, I love Debian now.


In other words... a "Use this to do that" guide. Or more specifically, how to customize it (Get rid of the wallpaper, use lower resolutions, set up apps to run on boot, permanently change scaling_min_freq, etc without the usage of third party apps) and where to find a decent/optimized version of it (Something like LineageOS? That works for armv7 32 bits?).

t. I'm currently using an Orangepi zero 3 sbc (which has zero gpu support on Linux afaik). And I'm forced to run Android on it because of it.

Thanks in advance.

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