
joined 1 year ago
[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works -4 points 10 months ago

He's been essentially lying and scamming young gullible people for personal gain. He rants and supports a failed murderous ideology that he doesn't even believe in while also being a hotspot for misinformation. His hypocrisy and lack of ethics make him a vile person.

[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works -3 points 11 months ago

Hexbear trash need to be purged too. There's no room for nazis or marxists to spread their hate anywhere

[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works -2 points 11 months ago

I don't care about politics, I'm talking about actually living there.

[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works 6 points 11 months ago

The privacy tech is so robust and easily available right now that anyone could spend a few days and replace their everything with privacy focused alternative while still maintaining a solid experience.

[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Of course, he'll complain. Your point is simply illogical. Zelensky is not some smooth brain moral expert wannabe on the internet. He is the president of a country that's at war. He has his country's best interests at heart, therefore he will do whatever will help his country. He needs the support of Israel, he needs the support of the US, he needs the support of the UK, he needs the support of the EU. They're the ones who stood by him in his country's darkest days and helped Ukraine have a fighting chance against the world's second most powerful military.

Why would he not return the favor when one of these countries gets invaded to improve relations? Why would he risk support for his own country by not doing so? By the same token, why would he be okay with other countries that are siding with the enemy country? He's going to have whatever stances helps Ukraine the most. In war you have to do whatever is necessary to weaken your enemy and strengthen yourself.

[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works 19 points 11 months ago (7 children)

Why would he care? He's fighting a war and his own people are getting slaughtered. He needs to say whatever he needs to get the necessary support to win. Israel is a powerful country and his country needs their support.

[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works -1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Yes, they are lol

[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works 2 points 11 months ago

They're all in fierce competition as to who can be the most evil and corrupt

[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works -2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Fascism absolutely is primarily class warfare waged by the petite bourgeoisie and precarious haut bourgeoisie and has common economic characteristics

I think you're missing the point. Fascism is neither capitalist or socialist. They just use whatever policies is convenient for the state at the time. If they deem a private sector is useful, they will allow a private sector. If they deem an industry is of national security, they will nationalize it. If they want to add or remove regulations on a whim, they will do so. There's no economic vision, there's no ideal economy that they work for. Class warfare is also used as a tool for power, it's not a defining part of the ideology. Fascism believes in social hierarchies, and this was just another way to enforce this idea. While Fascism's cousin ideology, Marxism, has class warfare as a definitive ideological enemy, this isn't the case for Fascism. When we look at North Korea, the country used to be mostly Marxist while the Soviet Union was still around, but they switched over to Fascism quickly afterwards. It doesn't seem like a lot changed because both ideologies are authoritarian, but Fascism is the more accurate term to describe how the country runs now.

Are we just uncritically repeating the talking points of a country that killed 20 percent of Koreans in order to protect the puppet dictatorship riddled with former colonial Japanese oppressors they installed in the South? That claims the North invaded while their puppet dictatorship was busy slaughtering 10s of thousands of pro democracy protestors?

And this is when you stop being a reasonable critic and start becoming a coping tankie clown. Just a few points here:

  1. Everything that I said about how North Korea is unequivocally true and this is does not disprove or take away from that in any way, shape, or form.
  2. America did not start the Korean war. The Korean war was officially started when the Soviet backed Marxist North launched a surprise invasion on the South on the 25th of June, 1950. This is basic history. Before that, most of the conflict was just political and there were a few minor clashes around the 39th parallel.
  3. US helping the South defend itself from the North is beyond justified. It was the right call. On top of the North invading and slaughtering civilians in the South, the North also had other problems. After the war, both countries were relatively equal in population, size, and economy. However, there was one stark difference, North Korea was heavily dependent on the Soviet Union for its existence. They barely developed a plan B for when the Soviet Union cuts support. When that finally happened in the 1990s with the failure of Marxism in Europe and the collapse of the Soviet Union, North Korea was left with nothing and ended having a famine that killed 3.5 million North Koreans. The entire Korean war killed an estimated 2-3 million civilians on both sides just to put things in perspective. Even if South Korea didn't democratize in the 90s and remained under a dictatorship, they were still better off sovereign as that led them to escape the fate of the North. If the famine was spread to the South, the death toll could've been as high as 7 million. From that point on North Korea became a chronically malnourished, despite having the better geography.
  4. North Korea was not and is not pro democracy, that's some low tier propaganda which even the most ignorant of people don't fall for. North Korea was a puppet propped by the Soviet Union, and the Soviets were very explicitly critical of democracy and saw it as a threat to their power, therefore North Korea was built with the same mindset.

The DPRK literally has had workplace management elected by the workers since 1961 and you're accusing them of being undemocratic. Imagine how different your life would be if you chose your own management, and there was no owner to leech off of you.

What's next, you're going to tell me that Kim Jung Un, his father, and grandfather all got 100% of the vote 100% of the time in free and fair elections? Listen, I understand you're a tankie and I commend your efforts to try and defend North Korea of all places, but this is not an argument you can win. North Korea is one of the world's most authoritarian and undemocratic countries in the world, and anybody can tell that this is objectively the case based on the information that North Korea itself publishes. North Korea isn't a communist utopia, it's the polar opposite.

[–] Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

What I said isn't propaganda, it's the reality. If you want to make the case that the war was brutal then I would agree. If you want to make the case that South Korea was ran by dictators until recently then I would also agree. These are also facts, but they're irrelevant to the point that I was trying to make. The idiot I was replying to really pretended that Korean war was started by the US and not the Soviet backed invasion of the North which is simply not true. Whether you think the war was justified or not is subjective. Just like the nukes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, everybody has their moral opinions on it. In my view, the US involvement in Korea to help the South was the right decision. Even if South Korea didn't democratize in the 1990s, they still would've been better off being sovereign then under the control of the North. The North after the war went through an economic collapse, a famine, and chronic food and supplies shortages that are still plaguing the country today. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but the it was ultimately the right call.

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