Student in engineering, this is 100% the Departement i work at. You are an out liner if you have not worked at that one other company before. Also, more are on the way from the vorher company to us.
joined 1 year ago
I still habe trouble with mastodon. Some say it is like twitter others say it is not and you should not treat it that way. The improtant thing, how do i find good content there? I tried web search and trending hastags. Most of it is just random shit people wrote just a minute ago.
Ich rate zu Handwerker*innen, sind mal in Italien ner Gruppe hinterher und hatten die beste Pizza unseres Lebens. Der ganze Rest hatte am Marktplatz dort die schlechteste Pizza ihres Lebens.
At this point it could be a business model to create a basic smart glass to get bought out by Google.
@whitehotaru hast du für mastodon besondere Empfehlungen?
/s is easier to point out it is a joke