
joined 1 year ago
[–] 66 points 8 months ago (5 children)

Translation: I would rather take this opportunity to self-promote.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

What video card are you using?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Part of the plan is to cancel the election security agency. so I'm not sure there will eventually be other elections where you do all of these things if this one is lost.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago

So the purpose is to protect them if someone overclocks and fries it, meaning they know if you take it in under warranty and say you want this faulty part replaced?

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

A plagiarism machine is as sentient as a dummy is in a ventriloquist act.

Could we have sentient AI in the future if we don't slip into neo-fascism while char-broiling the planet?

Yes, but not yet.

[–] 19 points 9 months ago (1 children)

If someone can sit outside Mar-A-Lago and identify who is coming and going, then we need people at polling stations doing the same when Trumplings show up to 'guard' the polls.

No masks. No weapons. Put your ass on the line if you want to follow fascist orders.

[–] 7 points 9 months ago

Could be another frat messing with this frat.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

During the Iraq War, Kurt Vonnegut was asked about the anti-war protests.. His response was that, during Vietnam, he was part of anti-war protests firing on all cylinders and laser-focused and going to stop that war. He said it was ultimately about as effective as climbing to the top of a ladder and tossing a pie on the ground. This time will be no different.

So I don't know what you're hoping to gain. The 'Ima take my ball and go home' approach didn't work out so well in 2016. Threatening not to vote isn't going to phase anyone in a country where more than half the population doesn't vote anyway. Maybe instead of threats you should work with other people trying to help the people you want elected get elected.

[–] 9 points 10 months ago

Ate a platter of 3 different fried insects. I think it was wood worms, bees, and crickets. The bees were the best.

None of them were horrible. Would do it again.

[–] 0 points 10 months ago

Trump saying that out loud happened 4 days ago. This plan is not new this week. There are bits and pieces of new coverage going back a couple months.

[–] 6 points 10 months ago

Like I had to include that many different outlets in order to provide a full picture. FYI, APNews reported about this in late August. The fact that the NYT is telling you about it this week means that something very wrong occurred for two months while they didn't.

The rightwing having a 1000-page guide to their overthrow of the country is what I would call the most important event of this year on US soil.

Do you want to only be told about the climate change rejection and not the other plans? That's what's fucked up.


Ex-president’s attorney says another indictment has ‘been highly spoken about’


The reforms place serious criminal cases under the authority of trained prosecutors. Previously, key decisions had been left up to victims' own commanders.


Don't get me wrong, I know many of you also use these huge axes to manage your body hair, but enough is enough. How about spears with heads the size of a flounder? What about flounders? Have you ever seen someone get hit with a two-handed flounder? Kitchen appliances? There's a lot more creative ways to smite your enemies. You axe people are just lame. BORING!


There were numerous factors that led to the revolution, but a key one was unfair taxation. The British parliament was in a position of power and thought that they could behave with impunity for further profits.

We all attack Spez, but he doesn't own Reddit anymore. He is not acting alone. There are other rich and powerful people in the shadows backing his actions. They too thought they could behave with impunity.

Let what's happened since June 12th be an inspiration for future netizens. Power to the people who left and to the mods who continue to resist.

Here's to us!


I think most of us who moved here from Reddit are enjoying our time here on We've left a lot of the riff-raff behind us and made new friends with intelligent, thoughtful members of kbin, Lemmy, Mastodon, etc..

But we need to spread out.

Not only have we stressed the server with thousands of immigrating users, but we were being watched by darker forces, namely Meta and Instagram.

A quick search of the net will show that we were not the first mass-migration. The first migration was last year when people from 'the bird site' (rhymes with jitter) fled Elon Musk's new regime. Most of those people moved to Mastodon.

We largely moved to kbin. to be more exact.

I'm a member of both Mastodon and kbin, and a couple of posts shocked me. The first one about Meta I have found again:

The second one about Instagram I have failed to locate, but the gist was that Instagram had reached out to one of the larger Fediverse servers and asked the person who runs to have a meeting 'off the record'. That person turned them down and told other members of the Fediverse what happened. The general consensus is that this was going to be a monetary offer to allow Instagram to further colonize the Fediverse by purchasing one of the larger servers.

And therein lies the problem: if the majority of users gravitate to a few large servers, then that leaves those larger servers vulnerable to exploitation.

I, as a recent immigrant, did not understand this. I thought that, intuitively, we should all gather in one place and grow the server. It's the exact opposite. We need to spread out to smaller instances. This didn't really register with me until I spoke with this person.

Remember too that having an account on a smaller instance still allows us to see everything on For example, look at this:

We are looking at a mixture of posts from Lemmy and kbin.

Moving to a smaller instance does not limit your interactions. What damages the fediverse is people trying to recreate all of Reddit on one instance.

TLDR: If you like it here, the best thing you can do for the fediverse right now is to set up on one of the less populous instances.

I invite correction and clarifications.

EDIT: Adding further sources below.

Meta/Facebook is inviting Fediverse admins under NDA for “meetings” (

Facebook, Inc. is planning to join the Fediverse. How do we make it lose as much money as possible?

Beware Of Meta Offering Gifts To Mastodon

Meta vs Mastodon: Battle for the Future of Decentralized Social Media

Legal-Copyright discussion from Mastodon yesterday

And a cartoon to boot


What’s happening in Russia right now?

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