
joined 1 year ago
[–] 15 points 5 hours ago (4 children)

Looks like you got it. Thank you.

Cool, I figured they were safe to eat but it's good to know for sure. Also not even listed as being invasive. Definitely gonna keep spreading these because like I said in the origional post the bumble bees go absolutely nuts for them.


Edit: Answer -

I've been letting this grassy plant slowly take over my yard and I haven't been able to actually identify it. It has white flowers in late summer that bumble bees absolutely love. It smells like onions when you cut it and it tastes like onion as well except maybe slightly more mild.

Location: SE Minnesota

Not flowering:

Seeding out:

[–] 11 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Exactly. The only thing COVID changed was that all the resturants became carry out only. The only things I can think of that actually closed were bars.

[–] 63 points 7 hours ago (5 children)

If I learned anything durring covid it's that basically every business is "essential".

[–] 26 points 7 hours ago

We really need to break our conditioning that employment is the highest priority in our lives.

It's not really conditioning when it's actually the case. Without my job I'm likely homeless or dead within weeks. If Iose my job then I can no longer pay my bills, within a few months I'll be homeless. More urgently though I lose access to my health insurance which means I lose access to the medications keeping my mental illness in check. Finding a new job normally is a pain; finding one when you're so depressed that you really don't even care if you live or die is next to impossible. Also once it flares up you tend to stop caring about even seeking treatment for it making it a self perpetuating issue. If I got fired I would have only a few weeks to find a new job before I wound up in a position I likely wouldn't recover from. Sure there are things like unemployment but that doesn't even come close to paying my bills let alone affording my own health insurance.

So it would take a lot for me to risk walking away from my job and risk getting fired. I could easily see myself in the same position as these people, waiting until it's too late to run out of fear of losing my job. If we want people to be able to walk away from situations like this then we need to make survival possible without employment. We need healthcare to not be tied to employment and we need real unemployment pay to keep people afloat while they find a new job.

[–] 2 points 8 hours ago

Oh, I 100% agree. Trains are not feasible. They're just more feasible than a pipe over that kond of terrain.

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago (2 children)

Much like oil it would probably be easier to haul the water via train than make a pipe which can cover that terrain.

[–] 34 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Chronic low level lead poisoning durring their formative years.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Just switch all our wind turbines from suck to blow. Easy.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Lol. $1200. That was literally the minimum because the invoice listed 0 miles and no supplies used. If they would have let me crawl then I would have.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Lol. I do definitely know a few people of the "sit on it till it's septic" school of thought when it comes to going to the hospital. Not surprisingly they're all medical professionals. My step dad is literally a paramedic instructor and if I had a dollar for every time he wound up the the ICU for an issue that was "nothing, I'm fine" then I could buy myself a decent beer.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (2 children)

It's happened to me a while back because of a likely electrolyte imbalance. I actually passed out in the hospital urgent care because I had gone in for feeling so shitty. Then they call an ambulance to take me from the urgent care doors to the ER doors across the parking lot. Of course the first thing they did before the ambulance even got there was put a saline IV in so by the time I got to the ER I felt perfectly fine and the tests didn't find anything. Doc said I probably just had low sodium. That's also where I learned for the first time that SSRIs sap sodium from your body which seems like something they should tell you when they put you on them.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Yeah, my area used to have a really good public nurse line where you could just call in, tell them what was going on, and based on your medical history on file they could roughly triage you and tell you where to go. But I imagine keeping it running was cutting into the hospital exec yacht fund so they cut that service.

I could always message my primary care doc but normally I just catch one of the nurses and they just tell me to make an appointment. Considering my primary care doc is always booked solid 6 months out I almost never bother going that route unless it is for an anual exam or something. My meds are just through a chain pharmacy so the pharmacist won't know much about my particular situation. Someone else had mentioned insurance offering telemedicine too so I will definitely be looking into that one. I also happen to be on the medical response team at work so I am intimately aware of what our offerings are for healthcare options (practically nothing). Also I am 100% on the regular checkup train. I will ask my doc if there is something to fill the place of the old nurse line at my next checkup.


How are you supposed to decide where to get care for emergent conditions? Where is the dividing line between "just book a clinic visit", "head into urgent care when you get a chance", and "go inmediately to the ER"?

So this is a question I've always struggled with and it makes me feel very dumb especially because I literally am a EMR. This feels like something I should know. But at the same time I have also called to book a clinic visit before and had the scheduler tell me to go to the ER immediately only for it to wind up being nothing.

Certain things are obvious of course. Like if I need stitches or there is other major trauma then I know to go to the ER. If it is something like a concerning infection then I know urgent care can sort me out. For a skin rash that's probably a clinic visit. If urgent care is closed and it can't wait then default to the ER. But there are also the issues where I genuinely don't know on what side of the line they should fall. This is especially an issue for things that have been going on for a while which I know could be severe but almost certainly aren't.

For example (not asking for medical advice) I've been having repeated extended periods of heart palpitations for the past 2 weeks. At first I just chalked it up to screwing up my anxiety med schedule while I was on vacation because my med situation does cause heart palpitations if I screw it up. So I didn't think much of it at first but now I've been back on my meds properly for 2 weeks with no change. So, that's cardiac symptoms which in a patient would make me tell them to immediately go to the ER just to be safe. But at the same time it's been going on for 2 weeks and it's probably just some vitamin deficiency or something so it probably wouldn't kill me to wait a week for a clinic appointment (no walk in clinic here). Do I split the difference and go to urgent care? It's like schrodingers medical issue, it's both the worlds most benign thing and a symptom of immediate death until someone looks into it, so how do I know who should open that schrodingers box?

It seems like there has to be some easy dividing line on how to know which one to go to that I just don't know.

Edit: In USA, because that probably matters here.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

So I recently upgraded every component in my PC to be fairly high end, except I didn't have the money to upgrade my GPU at the time so I was running with my old GTX 1070 for a while. Today I had some extra money so I finally got around to picking up a RTX 4070 super.

While installing it I just discovered a slight hitch in my plan. My primary monitor is 4k and uses display port so it isn't an issue. But my secondary monitor is an ancient 1080p monitor which only uses dvi and vga. The 4070 super only has display port and HDMI slots. I've been running with two monitors for so long that I don't know if I can stand going back to a single monitor.

It's already too late to run out and pick up an adapter so my plan for now is to install both GPUs in my PC and just pull the 1070 back out whenever I get around to getting a new secondary monitor or an adapter. Will a RTX 4070 super and a GTX 1070 both work in the same PC or am I just stuck with one monitor until I can get an adapter?


I like the bit of minty burn and it doesn't feel greasy afterwords like the non-alcohol based ones I've tried.


A friend of mine just sent me this picture and said someone they knew just got a capybara. I informed them that that definitely isn't a capybara. Now neither of us know what it is. It kinda looks like it's in the uncanny valley of the rabbit species. Is it just a fucked up looking rabbit?


Seriously, what sadist saw a flat PCB surface, flat pick and place machine heads, and said "lets create a round component"?

Joking aside I am genuinely curious what advantage the MELF design actually offers. I know they're a pain to get a machine to place properly, they have more solder flow issues than components with flat leads, and they seem like they would be harder to manufacture too. So why a round component? Anyone here have any insight on why they even exist?


So I just discovered that I have been working next to the waste of oxygen that raped my best friend several years ago. I work in a manufacturing environment and I know that you can't fire someone just for being a sex offender unless it directly interferes with work duties (in the US). But despite it being a primarily male workforce he does work with several women who have no idea what he is. He literally followed a woman home, broke into her house, and raped her. Him working here puts every female employee at risk. How is that not an unsafe working environment? How is it at even legal to employ him anywhere where he will have contact with women?


So I'm planning out a bathroom remodel and part of that is replacing the vent fan because currently mine is just venting into my attic (no bueno). I know normally bathrooms are vented out through the roof but my bathroom is on an exterior wall so I was wondering if I could just vent it out the side of the house. I'm going to be ripping open that wall anyways and I would much rather cut a hole in the side of the house than run a vent pipe up through the roof.

Also I'm in Minnesota if climate is a concern.


I work on equipment that runs off 3 phase 208V but it uses uses a transformer to drop it down to 120V for most of the controls. On this equipment I noticed that there are two fuses on the lines exclusively feeding the 208V side of the transformer and a fuse directly off of the hot side on the 120V side of the transformer.

Isn't the fuse on the 120V side of the transformer redundant? From my understanding, if there is a current spike on the 120V side of the transformer then that will cause a current spike on the 208V side of the transformer and immediately blow those fuses anyways. Is this just a certification thing where that redundancy is required? I'm in the US but this equipment does also get shipped to various overseas locations. Also, while it isn't standard, this equipment is capable of passing a TUV inspection if a customer requests it so I'm not sure if the potentially redundant fuse is just a TUV requirement.


I've been seeing a lot of users from commenting in various threads (mainly sports) lately. They only caught my attention because they are all flagged as bots and I typically manually block most bots (not all because there are some I like). For every one of them their entire post history consists of 1-2 comments or posts. When I took a look at that instance there is nothing there at all and it also shows no users. The comments look human enough but I guess I wouldn't be surprised to learn that all the comments are LLM generated. Is just someones LLM experiment or is something else going on here?

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