
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 9 months ago

As much as the elites here want it to be "the west", Latin America still is part of the global south.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Literally the same for me. I don't eat most vegetables and I do not eat wet food (soup, sauces, etc.).

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Here in Brazil it has been a very, very hot summer. Literally hitting 50°C on some street thermometers during a heat wave.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Lol, Skyrim memes go brrrrrrrr...

[–] 13 points 9 months ago

I think this is a global issue, not just an USA issue.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Here in my country (Brazil) there was some controversy around it because, according to what I've heard about it, Family Constellation reinforces some very problematic ideas about patriarchy.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago

Because there are lots of real leftists in Brazil that usually get lumped in with the "leftists" of the revisionist parties.

[–] 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (4 children)

wait, they are talking about just going full "dictatorship style" and excluding a party with 14% of the votes of the result?

Also, I'm pretty fine right now. I'm working on a research project at my university, for which I've received an scholarship grant (about 120USD per month for a year, which is about 0.5x the minimum wage)

Other stuff to say: Here in Brazil the Palestina conflict is being pretty controversial. The evangelicals are fully supporting Israel, "leftists" are split on the subject, and the government (as in traditional Brazilian foreign policy) is trying to keep itself neutral.

More stuff to say: The government here is discussing a possible humanitarian visa for armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh and palestinians, which would help them escape their conflicts to Brazil. I do not know if I should support this or not (especially the palestinan part) because this would just accelerate their displacement and would in the end help the israeli forces in their effort to ethnically cleanse palestine. Still, I do think that people who want to leave should be able to leave.

[–] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

what is "liberal economics financial advice"?

[–] 5 points 11 months ago

"and then they shot the flyers in self defense..."


The academic center in São Carlos has voted to enter a strike tomorrow.

[–] 8 points 11 months ago

"Only sith deal with absolutes"

-some old, senile man

[–] 7 points 11 months ago

I think it is "city" in russian, like in Leningrad.


In the last few weeks, students from the University of São Paulo, one of the 100 best universities in the world (according to some ranking last year), started a strike. The strike started in the São Paulo campus, but has now spread to the Lorena campus and a few parts of the Ribeirão Preto campus.

The students on strike are demanding a few things, including the hiring of 1400 new professors (to reach the same student/professor ratio as it was in 2014), more financial assistance for low-income students, and a quota for trans students.

The university leadership (I forgot what "Reitoria" means in english, lol) said they will hire 800 new professors, but students think it is not enough, since there are people who are close to graduatinng without having some mandatory classes because of lack of professors.

Also, about the quota for trans students, there are already quotas for students from public high schools (I'm one of them) and for black/mixed race students, so this wouldn't be really without precedents.

My campus (São Carlos) will vote about whether to go on strike next tuesday. There is some resistance to the idea, but it seems like we'll end up going on strike too.

Here, we have two main areas on campus. One of them was the first one to be built, and is on the center of the city. It is where most of the courses happen. My course is on the second area, which is quite far away fron the city center. We always take an university bus from Area 1 to Area 2, which was privatized (it is not operated by the university anymore, but is still free at least). There is literally nothing to eat here other than the subsidized R$2,00 lunch (also privatized) which we can only eat at lunchtime. As such, improving the bus and placing some cafés here on Area 2 will probably become one of the demands of the strike on São Carlos.

So, what do you guys think about this?


I just posted on GenZedong but I noticed that my post fits better in shitreactionariessay, so I deleted my GenZedong post and posted it again on shitreactionaries say.

I can't see my post on shitreactionariessay, but I can see my comment on the same post explaining how I first posted on GenZedong and then deleted it.


I just wrote a rant on some random post on another instance about Trump not liking EVs where I said that EVs are dumb, and I'd like to share my thoughts here.

EVs do not really make cars sustainable. They just shift the polution from the cars themselves to some far-away coal or gas plant. But even if we got 100% renewable energy, they would still not be sustainable since their batteries are cancer to nature (do a search on the internet about lithium mining or cobalt mining).

So, how do I propose we solve the car question? Public transit is the answer.

Now, I won't elaborate much on public transit since most urbanism Youtube channels can explain it way better than me (just don't watch Azov Something, please), but I'd like to talk about the situation in Brazil.

Brazil is a place where we have a grid with almost 100% renewables (mainly hydrelectrics), so EVs would be nice here, wouldn't they?


Here in Brazil we have also a huge sugarcane production, which goes to make ethanol (biofuel) and sugar. Ethanol is pretty based, sugar is not (I do agree that sugar is tasty though). So, since most cars in Brazil can run on any mixture of ethanol and gasoline thanks to their "flex" engines (yes, this is their real name), if the price of ethanol falls, no one will use gasoline, and then we get a carbon-neutral fleet of cars (which is still bad for the environment, but less so than going full gasoline). And since lots of sugarcane goes to make sugar, if we incentivize producers to produce ethanol instead, we can get more ethanol without having to clear more land for farming!

This concludes my rant on EVs.

edit: I do not like Trump at all. I just noticed that my post makes it seem like I agree with him, but I do not. In fact, he likes internal combustion engines and big oil, which is why he said that EVs are "madness". I do not agree with that. I just think that EVs are the new "technology that will save the world" trend and that they won't really save the world. It is imperative that we progress into socialism, or else we will be destined to fall to barbarism.


People’s ideas are intimately linked to the sort of lives they are able to live. Take, for instance, ‘selfishness’. Present day capitalist society breeds selfishness – even in people who continually try to put other people first. A worker who wants to do their best for their children, or to give their parents something on top of their pension, finds the only way is to struggle continually against other people – to get a better job, more overtime, to be first in the queue for redundancy. In such a society you cannot get rid of ‘selfishness’ or ‘greediness’ merely by changing the minds of individuals.

edit: read theory, comrades, it is worth it.


Eu me considero comunista desde por volta de 2020, mas eu só começei mesmo a estudar um pouco sobre o marxismo em 2022 (quando entrei na universidade). Desde então eu tive um desejo de entrar em alguma organização para poder contribuir ao movimento, porém por conta da dificuldade do meu curso e por conta dos meus pais serem um pouco reacionários (principalmente minha mãe, que fica grande parte do dia assistindo conteúdo de fascistas na internet) eu ainda não consegui me juntar a alguma organização.

Recentemente, percebi que o dia em que eu começarei a viver sozinho está se aproximando, e com isso virá a minha primeira oportunidade de me involver na política. Por isso estou começando recentemente a estudar mais as escritas de diversos teóricos marxistas para poder me educar.

Então, eu gostaria que meus camaradas do lemmygrado me falassem um pouco sobre os movimentos dos quais participam e suas atuações para que eu possa num futuro próximo me juntar a uma dessas organizações.

Eu sinceramente não sei muito como funciona uma organização marxista no dia-a-dia, então também seria legal ouvir um pouco sobre a experiência de vocês nas organizações.

Peço desculpas pelo post longo e agradeço antecipadamente pelas respostas.

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