
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 day ago

Time to try and convince my friends to buy parkitect for the millionth time.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago

You have a technology curse. Time to start gardening.

[–] 10 points 1 day ago (7 children)

How the fuck is elden ring the most played. Is it even playable on the steamdeck?

[–] 25 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Yeah Jerry was such a whiney twat.

[–] 79 points 2 days ago (37 children)

Pretty much every segment of Jerry's stand up routine in Seinfeld. I have no idea how that man became a famous comedian.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

Nah because my kitchen is full of plastic junk 😅

[–] 21 points 4 days ago (10 children)

Anything cooking related. It all the same shit you already had but this time it's plastic, harder to clean and only does 1 specific thing.

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

They are cute like a pug is cute. I see them and it's like aw look at that lil creature it's so ugly but I love it.

[–] -4 points 1 week ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I had an issue with scrolling. I would scroll down and sometimes it would scroll up. I put up with this for months thinking it was probably a linux issue and would be fixed with updates. Until today when I plugged a different mouse in and realized the problem was my mouse. I tried turning the mouse upside down and rubbing it vigorously across the carpet like reddit suggested but it didn't fix it so I gave up.

As for linux issues I have switched to Wayland full-time after at least 30+ attempts and it seems to work now except for a flameshot issue which I fixed via a kwin rule and my steam client glitches out when I open the library but it fixes itself if I resize the window.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Law maker enacts legislation towards a company. The company is able to comply but instead the company pulls the service or severelyndegrades it. Then when users are pissed off the company will point to the law maker and say "they forced us to do this". The law maker then suffers the blacklash of companies service withdrawal.

Apple tried this with the EU usb c but eventually backed down. John deer tried this with right to repair. There are many cases where companies use these tactics to try and bully law makers away from regulating them and I think i know it's legal and their right to do so but I find it gross.

I don't think the law makers should be solving the "problem" this way but I also don't think pornhub should deny service from an entire state because they want an an ID check implemented.

Wooden Minigun (

What is the proton equivalent of this service if one exists?


How sick does this game look. When I saw the big Skeleton and the two baby skeletons I was instantly sold.


I was looking through Userbenchmarks at a few different GPU's and I noticed that every single review for all GPU's included a negative review about AMD GPU's falsifying data, paying people to shill and experienced gamers knowing that AMD is a bad choice. I looked a little further and saw that all these reviews came from one account and after digging more it seems that this is userbenchmarks account considering they've made videos expressing the same sentiment on their youtube channel.

Its insane to me how one of the highest trafficked hardware comparison websites is blatantly this biased and still has the balls to accuse AMD of paid sponsorship. What are some better hardware comparison sites to use?


I cant seem to get rid of the high rent tags on my residential and industrial sectors. For residential Ive tried adding low cost housing but i dont know what to try with industrial.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

Hello, I cant seem to find any upto date info on this topic and all the old threads seem to suggest that these features do not work well on linux.

I am looking to get a 144hz monitor that is at least 2k in resolution. I have an Nvidia graphics card and KDE Plasma. I want to run two monitors and the 2nd monitors is 60hz and 1080p. Would this cause issues? Is there anything I need to consider when looking for a monitor?

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