
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 10 months ago

Yes. With VPN. And so many lessons learned after about how you didn’t have to do it, but you did it.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

This is funny.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

So, Roman people are old people. They’ll just bring their folding chairs.

[–] -1 points 10 months ago

You didnt’t think of engaging with the weekly post. Why? I want to know because why did I bother?

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

Reminds me of fiction.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

It isn't an insult.

[–] -5 points 11 months ago

Yeah, I'd actually read the book, but the review, which isn't very good, sort of tells me reading the book wouldn't be exactly a good use of my time. It's funny how second-hand info sort of reaches you in this way. If you cared to ask me personally about it, I'd answer your question. Since you didn't ask, I'll just tell you: Read the book and tell us about the book.

[–] -4 points 11 months ago

It isn't there in the books you didn't read. And I am absolutely not defending the USA's Jim Crow laws. I'm saying the argument of the book, according to this review, is weak because it does not tell me much about the author's research. That's all. Read the book yourself, show me where it has solid evidence, then I'll engage with you more.

[–] -2 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Yeah, that doesn't convince me. Sorry. Plenty of racists in the USA. Absolutely. What this review says is that the Nazis were looking to the USA as a fine racist example. Still not convinced. Racists on this level are not looking at themselves as racists. They're looking at something else using their racism as an unrecognized motivator to achieve another end. I suppose you don't want to read the books I recommended because you're too busy. The review article sucks, in my opinion. And that's just the way it goes. Nothing you're saying convinces me that this is actually good content. It's mediocre content. You'd get my point if you were well read.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (3 children)

It's just a review that isn't very good, in my opinion.


In your opinion, how did the Industrial Revolution change the way people worked and the nature of work itself?


Just follow the link and vote for what you want. The Industrial Revolution was the second most voted for topic last week so I put it in again so those of you who wanted to talk about that get a second chance!


In the 20th century a lot of medical discoveries were made. Which, in your opinion, helped the world the most and why?


You can vote on your choice by clicking on this link. I included History of Science again because it only lost by one vote to History of Food in the last poll. So, those of you who wanted science, you can vote for it again and maybe this time you'll have it your way!


Some of us might consider certain customs related to food a "bad idea." One striking example was the ancient Romans' use of lead acetate as a sweetener. What, in your opinion, are some bad food ideas from the past? They don't have to be as deadly as consuming lead acetate, just a bad idea in your opinion.


I didn't get a pay wall, but just in case, here's a 12ft link. This is a very nice article summarizing the history of my favorite city, Madrid. You wouldn't believe it now because today it seems like such a dry place, but during most of its history it was a strategic spot because it had lots of water in an area that was far from the sea.


The preference of locale is to cover global time zones to fit lemmy world's guidelines for moderators. I'm in Spain, Siyah is from Pakistan. The history community is growing to the tune of 100 new subscribers per month, so I, as the head moderator, am responsible for making certain all bases are covered for "large communities number undefined" under lemmy world's ever evolving guidelines for mods. It's an easy gig, as I've said before. Nothing too strenuous. You would need to familiarize yourself with the community rules (not hard) and the lemmy world Code of Conduct I'm always available to consult with if you have a question when in doubt about historical accuracy / inaccuracy. I can't say enough about how much of an easy gig moderating this community is. It's also fun because you discover new things about the past you never knew about before with every post from community subscribers. There is activity, and it's usually high quality activity, whether it be posting or commenting. If you happen to live in Antarctica, you would really be helpful here, because then the time zones would all be covered!


Vote for what you'd like to discuss next week. It isn't hard, just follow the link and click on your preference.


Someone posted a link to photos from the times of the British colonial period in southeast Asia and then deleted that post. With the post the URL disappeared. It was a fantastic link. I've been going crazy trying to find this link to share again because I think these photos tell us so much. I can't find the link in the post that was made, but I found another link that I hope will help us all find more stuff to share and eventually lead us back to that link that was shared that was total gold. If anybody bookmarked the link that was deleted, please share it. I know all of you agree with me that those photos will haunt us forever. I'd sleep better being haunted by them and being able to look at them when I'm awake, just to respect them and honor them.


Traditionally, in the USA, Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15. You guys voted with this trend and I couldn't be happier, being as I am a big fan of Puerto Rico since the first time I visited the island. So, feel free to share your favorite historical fact about Puerto Rico or ask a question about Puerto Rican history. I really hope some puertorriqueños feel like sharing and / or answering questions.


Once again it's time to vote for a weekly discussion topic. You can vote using this link.


Demons, as they're called in English translation, have haunted Christians in the Western World for a very long time. In the Ancient Near East, they could be nice or not so nice, forming a part of a fascinating, and complex pantheon that people invoked and worshiped. A fine distortion of this religious system would be the film The Exorcist in which a child is possessed by Pazuzu, a demon who, in the Ancient Near East, was actually invoked to save young children and fetuses, to defeat Lamashtu, a demon who enjoyed taking babies, fetuses, and pregnant women away from the physical world. Why, in your opinion, is it fun for modern Westerners to demonize such Ancient Near Eastern "demons" in Hollywood films and get it all so totally wrong and historically inaccurate?

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