Actually I read it. I just don't find it true what was written in the second article.
XMPP and the existing Fendiverse is a completely different situation. Why should the Fedivers loos anything by federating with meta? How should that work? The worst case scenario if we federate with meta is that we go back to where we are now.
The panic that is correctly happening because of all this is much worst then what ever meta could do. IMHO
Because I don't see issues there that needs to be addressed. Maybe I missed it or just don't understand it.
The first one is an article from Eugan (Gargron) why meta will not be able to push you Adds or get your personal network data even if an mastodon instance is federating with them.
The second is a (very opiniated and polarizing) how evil companies "killed" open social technologies in the past... Despite the fact that XMPP is not dead. So I really don't get what should be the problems after all.
EDIT: So many spelling errors in there... I'm sorry for that.