Hey, I just went down one of these last week!
It was still on a half day preheat, so it wasn't that hot.
Hey, I just went down one of these last week!
It was still on a half day preheat, so it wasn't that hot.
Kinda like how they threw that lady in jail in India based on brain scans. It wasn't remotely done, but that didn't matter.
Also, Davos 2016 had a discussion on all the "social justice" applications they could use brain scan technology on. Nevermind stuff like roughly reconstructing the movie you just watched. And, by now, they've had plenty of time to come up with more fun ways to apply this technology.
Maggots, Michael. You're eating maggots. How do they taste? You piece of shit.
Maggots, Michael. You're eating maggots. How do they taste? You piece of shit.
The original Frito Burrito!
Seriously, what tf are they thinking?
I suppose, yes. The library is turning drug infested and into a sex den. The comma is replacing all the words "and into a." Which is essentially what you wrote. I guess i was trying to point out they were two separate situations and that drug infested is not describing the sex den. I was also trying to establish that commas can replace words and phrases. Although the example I gave above only replaced one word, it would make sense they would replace other words, as well, to shorten the headline.
I guess there are actual headline specific grammatical rules that are followed. While not a comprehensive list, some of these rules include leaving out auxiliary and some joining verbs, articles, conjunctions, etc, and replacing some words with various punctuation. Apparently, the list goes on.
I think they're presenting it as two separate problems. Drug infested is not describing the sex den. It is drug infested. It is a sex den.
Edit: Here's a good explanation: "A comma performs another kind of abbreviation in a headline, connecting two ideas without a linking word or phrase (often and)
It's almost as if ignoring a problem, doesn't make it go away.
Also, depending on what you move, make sure to take into account areas with drought, and future rain and heat patterns. Climate change is only going to get worse. Make sure you have a secure water supply to work with.
Well, shit.
Now that you put it that way.
Supposedly, met the son of a higher up in Armani, in college. He told us about how their jeans cost something like $2.50 (in the early 2000s) to make in an exploited factory in Bangladesh, and how everyone who would buy their jeans for $100 (or more) a pop was an idiot. They were making out like bandits and paying their workers next to nothing.