
joined 1 year ago
[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 17 points 15 hours ago (4 children)

All Linux installations use Proton, DXVK and Wine to play Windows games. That is the biggest power of the Steam Deck. The rest is just bonus.

You can launch Big Picture mode on any pc with Steam installed for ease of use with a controller..

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 14 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (11 children)

Software-wise, if you are using a Linux installation with KDE interface, on an AMD CPU and AMD GPU, and are using a wayland session with gamescope to play games, it is very VERY close to the Steam Deck and you are benefiting from all the optimizations that were made for Steam Deck. Bonus points if the hardware is Ryzen 3000 series and Radeon RX 6000 series.

You probably saw this, but Nexus Mods are asking feedback from Linux users, not just Steam Deck. Because, you know, apart from the sticks, size and touch pads, Steam Deck is just another Linux machine.

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 24 points 16 hours ago (22 children)

Just install Linux on your laptop or desktop.

If you want a hassle-free setup, get Linux Mint, or if you use Nvidia, Pop!_OS.

To get as close to the Steam Deck setup as reasonable, get EndeavourOS with KDE. It is Arch-based and may require maintenance though.

Kubuntu is a good middle ground, with the same desktop interface as SteamOS (KDE) but also pretty hassle-free setup.

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Most of (what we call) Linux OSes are formally GNU/Linux. GnuCash is as close as it gets to "made for Linux". If you don't want an accounting-specific application, but just generic spreadsheets, check out LibreOffice.

I highly recommend GnuCash for accounting though: a fellow board member cleaned up an org's accounting by putting it all in GnuCash, where it was a bunch of error-prone Excel sheets before. That really made it easier to keep track and to do it right.

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 6 points 2 days ago (5 children)

A quick Google shows Quickbooks to be cloud-based accounting software. For FOSS accounting, GnuCash exists so you could try that (it can also run on Windows and macOS). However, it's unlikely to have feature parity so if you like the added convenience that Quickbooks offers, see if you can use Quickbooks in a browser. Being cloud-based, they would probably build a browser version before building a Linux desktop app. If they don't and you need to run a Windows desktop app on Linux, you can probably do this using Bottles (which uses Wine and Proton under the hood, the tech that enables the Steam Deck).

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 6 points 3 days ago

And the drones kept tumbling down in the city that we love

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 7 points 6 days ago (2 children)
[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 21 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Gotta thank the Kremlin for making a list of good European news websites. On second thought, weird that they block cnews.fr. The Dutch and German lists make sense though

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

It's a new desktop by the Pop!_OS team, System76. They previously used Gnome extensions but to make a snoother, more performant experience, they have been working on an entirely new desktop environment + toolkit, all in Rust. They call it Cosmic.

The new Cosmic Store is super fast and smooth, perhaps the fastest package manager GUI on Linux desktop.

Check out this speed comparison against GNOME Software: (Cosmic starts around 1:10) https://files.catbox.moe/mzz004.mp4

If you're on Pop!_OS 22.04 you can already install it with sudo apt install cosmic-store.

There's a few other COSMIC apps available but the store is the most usable one right now IMO. The text editor is fun too though. If you're on another Debian based OS, you can probably add the system76 repo and then install it.

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

That's amazing!

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 2 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I get it, I actually use the exact same distros you mention: Pop!_OS, Endeavour and Fedora.

Had the same experience with Pop!_OS: those few things that did not "just work" but needed tinkering caused quite some issues. And yeah, somewhat more bleeding edge than Ubuntu LTS is nice: to use neovim on the 22.04 base, I'd need to use distrobox or build vim from source, but on Fedora and Arch, it "just works".

I liked Endeavour, though I haven't really used it with a DE, I went with Sway. So hard to compare, but the manual sysadmin intervention everyone keeps talking about has been minimal. AUR is amazing, pacman is fast and sane.

I went to Fedora because it is bleeding edge enough, but seems better tested and more stable than Arch. Also wanted to see how BTRFS is setup on there and test the rollbacks. The codec stuff has been terrible though. Even after enabling RPMFusion and installing a bunch of them, the Fedora source Firefox still refuses to do video calls in MS Teams. I'm using Flatpak browsers now but downloading flatpak updates is way slower than even the worst package manager for "native" binaries. Feels a bit odd to have to use a Flatpak for the browser.

If I had to install a new pc today, I'd go EndeavourOS with KDE (which I'm using on Fedora now), BTRFS and systemd-boot. I got to know systemd-boot in Pop!_OS and have tried a different boot manager (rEFInd), but systemd-boot is amazing.

[–] F04118F@feddit.nl 2 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Genuine question: what is it about Fedora that keeps you coming back? I have also used Debian based and Arch based distros, as well as Fedora.


cross-posted from: https://feddit.nl/post/11027166

Petition: make WMR open source

Microsoft has stopped supporting WMR.

Please sign this petition to?open-source the software, so others can maintain it and prevent the perfectly good VR headsets becoming e-waste!


cross-posted from: https://feddit.nl/post/11027166

Petition: make WMR open source

Microsoft has stopped supporting WMR.

Please sign this petition to?open-source the software, so others can maintain it and prevent the perfectly good VR headsets becoming e-waste!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by F04118F@feddit.nl to c/adhd@lemmy.world

So I recently started to recognize a lot of the behaviors associated with ADHD. I was and still am in doubt whether I have ADHD or not, but some specific events caused me to ask my doctor to refer me for a diagnosis. I was actually doing quite OK-ish this year, after having struggled with self-worth, short depressive episodes and mild trauma in the recent past. But I noticed that I started to have trouble focusing again as the newness wore off after my career change. And I got called out by my friends for "acting ADHD". Which did not sound unusual at all.

So I got the referral, went through the intake with shrink 1, did an adult ADHD diagnosis with shrink 2. The diagnosis involved me and my mom answering questions about the presence of ADHD symptoms now and in my early childhood (5-12 yo). Basically, now I do have almost all of the characteristics, though they often are erratic (no problems studying, huge difficulties with household tasks, work productivity varies orders of magnitude day to day) and often not noticed by others (my average productivity in a month is great, though many days I feel shit due to not being able to do what I am supposed to).

In childhood, no symptoms were found. Zero. Partly because everyone in my family is forgetful and mom picks up stuff after everyone all the time, I was constantly reminded/pushed/supported and did not really have the opportunity to forget things (though I still did) and partly because like now, many of these things happen in my head and are not noticeable in the averages that others see. Except when I'm talking too much and interrupting people but I guess thats acceptable when children do it.

Maybe I don't have ADHD. Maybe it's something else. Maybe the shrink misunderstood me.

But I feel shit right now. The title is what I had pre-planned to say to people about the outcome and if they say again "don't act so ADHD". I can say it with a laugh and everyone thinks I'm funny and quirky.

But the truth is, I feel misunderstood. I feel like a failure for having fallen into an ADHD phenotype even though I am hugely privileged and have none of the baggage so many people here do. No childhood trauma, no school/grades problems, no poverty.

I can't help but feel that my behavior is my fault, as is wasting health professionals time, who could have helped someone who actually needed it. Shrink 1 is on "long-term sick leave" now. She got stressed by me clicking things constantly during the (remote) interviews. Another thing to feel guilty about.

Best case now is that they diagnose me with some sort of anxiety disorder now. I have been reading a book on autism that I found and it somewhat satisfies my yearning for closure and community in what the author finds, but it also makes it extra painful that I don't have that.

I don't have ADHD, I just am super annoying. And I need to deal with that and it's not actually all that funny.

I'm sorry for the wall of text. Thanks for sharing your stories and memes and goodbye!


I am not looking to onboard thousands of users or host large communities, just my own and some family and close friends' accounts. I don't currently have a scalable homeserver setup (just a local Home Assistant instance on a Pi) and don't have the space to put an old desktop running Proxmox on a cable.

I was browsing single-board computers and the Pine64 (2GB RAM) looks like a good deal. It seems more powerful than similarly priced Raspberry Pis (3B 1GB). Is it good for running a small Lemmy instance on?

EDIT: Thanks for the advice all, just bought an 8th gen i3 NUC (4 vCPU, 8GB RAM) to play around with Proxmox and VMs. Going to start off with migrating Home Assistant and then set up a Lemmy instance, and perhaps a static website too.

Any combat flight simmers out here? (www.digitalcombatsimulator.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by F04118F@feddit.nl to c/flightsim@lemmyfly.org

Is there a federated r/hoggit-like place already? What should a federated hoggit be called? Foggit? Or just combatflightsim@lemmyfly.org?

As for me personally, I mostly fly helicopters and mid-late cold war jets (guess my favorite) in DCS though I sometimes do MSFS and have previously flown X-Plane (7,8,11).

I use a VR headset, HP Reverb G2, with Virpil HOTAS and MFG pedals. Ryzen 5800X3D with an RTX3080.

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