The high powered ones are tethered right into the high voltage lines. Normal ones use standard 120V outlets. The rejects use AAA batteries.
So is the federal government, that's why it's okay when we're mistreated and oppressed - the majority of public voted for it. Excuse me, the "majority of the public" voted for it.
Warning Labels on obvious things. Like "contains dairy" on a package of butter. At some point they need to stop and let Darwin take the wheel.
So turning it into an intranet.
What, another one? Look we're already several kinds of risk to all life on earth - it's way too late to get hung up on it just because another one was added to the pile. I mean it's not like genuine but dangerous research won't exploited by the same rich bastards already exploiting all the rest of mankind's genuine but deadly research. Throwing another one on the bonfire won't change it.
Let them hate us so long as they fear.
Cool story NYT. It's not like you're part of the problem or anything.
Out of curiosity, how much does your CEO make?
Wrong country. Drugs are easy to get here, for example, especially in silicon valley. Not to mention the easiest cause of being suicided, high caliber lead poisoning.
That said, it's always possible (though less likely) that he couldn't live with himself, having helped create the current worst technology around.
Why not call the cops on them? I would. Make those worthless bastards earn their pay for once.
The system will always protect itself.