
joined 1 year ago
[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Si tu n’as pas la "chance" de le vivre toi même ou de pouvoir avoir du recul sur ton environnement (suite à un voyage, des études, une mutation ...) et que tu ne connais que ton lieu de naissance, ces alentours,le même groupe d’amis, la grosse ville du coin pour le boulot...

Bref, que tu vis toujours dans le même groupe/environnement, sans pouvoir comparer/analyser d’autres personnes et comportements, tu peux très bien passer à côté du fait que tu es "raciste". Après tout c’est "ta" normalité.

Les études ou le travail, qui forcent souvent une personnes à bouger ailleurs et à se confronter à une autre réalité (via le mixage de la population) aident à prendre ce recul. Mais c’est pas gagné si ces derniers sont du même "genre" que l’environnement du départ.

Ce n’est pas pour rien que certains n’aient toujours pas prit du recul même tard dans leur vie...

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 5 points 2 weeks ago

X is no more a social media... It’s a rogue social media not following the rules of the country it operate in.

You talks about double standards... Try first to not mixing totally not related root cause. Censoring vs Legals.

X could have been able to avoid that if the company had proper leadership in place.

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu -5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Not sure, took me some time to remember we were talking about % increase.

Not everybody is natively good at math ^^

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 20 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Didn’t expected a "Great Teacher Onizuka" meme after all these years but yeah!

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 16 points 1 month ago

Remove that. It’s too US centric. I don’t want that here.

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Statement related to previous cloud hacks i assume.

Should have say: self-hosting is always superior to cloud hosting.

Bitwarden (the client) + Vaultwarden (the self-hosted server) is a good combo if you have some knowledge on how to setup it.

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 9 points 1 month ago

It’s "fuselage".

It’s called like that because of it came from the word "forme fuselé" (Tapered shape) and it’s a french word mainly because we created it in 1908.

You’re welcome :-)

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Make sure to click on "show all" button (or equivalent button of your app) once in the messages tab. Once visible, mark them as read so they won’t remain as "active" unread message.

I had this behavior with my app that was considering the messages read (so hidding them by default when going to the messages tab) once i opened it while not marking it read on lemmy side (hence the 7 unread messages displayed)

Took me week to find how to solve that :-)

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 4 points 1 month ago

I don’t think it’s the right place for this kind of message (or you just open a pandora box of totally not related world news from everybody for everything). .

But good luck for your recovery! You should have watched Die Hard and learnt from John McClane than going barefoot around glass and metal is not a good idea...

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 5 points 2 months ago

I have no issue giving money to people defending themself from an agressor.

Do you?

[–] Enoril@jlai.lu 2 points 2 months ago

I know, he is also hosted on a german association with the same id. Both github and the association will have to follow the laws anyways.

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