No the good reason is that communism and socialism cannot exist as realistic economic principles. Now I remember what was it all about.
Communism is a system that lacks any motivation to do the work. There is no award. No gratification of ownership, getting higher on the ladder.
Thus it never works and countries starve.
What’s funny is that there are no examples of successful communism and thus all the attempts are proclaimed as ‘no true communism’.
The reason capitalism works is because it utilizes human greed. It needs boundaries and restraints of course because greed is infinite. We get the cream top achievers make and redistribute it to incentivise bottom ladder to climb.
State protects the vulnerable and minorities and sets boundaries. Upper boundary is the climate one. Lower one is essential necessities one.
And this is the ideal that some countries actually achieved. Unlike ideal of communism that never got even close. So instead of thinking about some utopias let’s just adopt everywhere the tried and true system.
Everyone knows that you save on car battery lifespan and look 134% cooler without turn signals
Besides the orange light doesn’t fit the paintwork and whole aesthetic and you turn too fast and too often anyway