Super interesting topic. Thanks mate!
Doesn't that nice video proof that it was not defused? Cap is still on, triggers not screwed out but instead appear broken off?
Alright then. But at 0 °F it is not going to melt without your intervention, no matter how sunny it is.
Yes, while the radiation puts more energy in than the convective etc. cooling removes. So near 0 this is guaranteed, since the temperature difference from ice to ambient is almost 0 while radiation keeps pumping in something like 0.5 W. But who eats ice at freezing temperatures... And outside?
Okay but is it actually defused or did they break off? Because that is what it looks like, they were not actually removed, then there would be nothing.
So to you it is not fooling the AI if you present someone else? Where would fooling start?
Obviously you would not put it on the faucet, that's the joke. But it would work if you size it correctly. Except that the tiny amount of air that is dissolved in water will still not come out, but the air that was in the filter will be displaced and come out.
Less common than what? They are all extremely common. Silica gel is in... like every 10th package? There are far less water filters around.
If those are actual impact fuses we see there, he could realistically set it off by kicking them, since they are made of lead. Since someone also took the photo, I assume this was not a live munition, but at the end it is possible. Also, I find this is supposed to be 1945 too. After the first page of Google results I stopped looking for actual information.
And what if not? What is the different?