
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Fucking Christ I am so sick of people referencing the Google books lawsuit in any discussion about AI

The publishers lost that case because the judge ruled that Google Books was copying a minimal portion of the books, and that Google Books was not competing against the publishers, thus the infringement was ruled as fair use.

AI training does not fall under this umbrella, because it's using the entirety of the copyrighted work, and the purpose of this infringement is to build a direct competitor to the people and companies whose works were infringed. You may as well talk about OJ Simpson's criminal trial, it's about as relevant.

[–] 22 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Do you drop trou and stand in front of a toilet every time you need to toot the flesh whistle?

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

A McDonald's burger from the 80s when they still used tallow for their fries and higher quality ingredients? No contest, it was better than the TrumpDonalds that got served in 2017-2020

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago

Shit, there's roughly even odds that the records of her employment no longer exist because the franchise she worked at shut down, or destroyed them because they were 40 years old.

I used to work at a Sprint call center in the early '10s, but if you asked me to prove it I literally couldn't, because the staffing agency I was hired through, the call center, and Sprint itself no longer exist. Doesn't change that I worked there.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Are you talking about the chibi models vs. more realistic models? I think that was an artifact of an FF trope left over from the NES era where the world sprites were limited to one tile due to NES hardware limitations while the battle sprites were more detailed 1x2 tiles, and this was kept all the way up to FF6 where they finally used the same sprite for world and battles.

I have no clue why they went back to using different/less detailed models for world exploration in FF7 (if I had to guess they were unfamiliar with the PSX hardware and the chibi models used fewer polygons), but that go a long way to explain why the FMVs sometimes used different models--IIRC, the FMVs with chibi models played directly from the field, and the ones with more detailed models had some kind of scene transition into them, or otherwise were used for major plot beats. It's good they abandoned this entirely with FF8 onwards, though.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, do NOT watch end of Evangelion if you're in a bad mental headspace. The original series ending might be better for you despite the "ran out of money and cobbled together a clip show" values, since it at least has a relatively upbeat tone. EoE starts with "all the main characters are comatose or going through a mental breakdown" and it gets worse from there.

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

They're both extremely excellent. The original series is a fair bit darker and more depressing, and End of Evangelion is definitely a lot more WTF than anything that happens in the rebuild movies (which isn't a bad thing necessarily). The rebuild movies,meanwhile, have much higher production values, and the fights are generally much better--most of the gifs of Ramiel you see are from the rebuild. The characters are also a lot more mentally stable--they're all still depressed and dealing with heavy shit, but it's "I'm taking my meds" depression instead of "untreated spiral" depression.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Watch up to the last episode, then watch End of Evangelion for the canon ending. And/or watch the rebuild movies for a condensed retelling that goes in its own direction.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

What, asking experts who have studied a topic and has forgotten more about systems of governance and effective anti corruption efforts than I'll ever know is somehow bad now? The fuck?

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, it's a fantasy, and an extremely off-the-cuff, low-detail, wouldn't-it-be-nice-if list. In reality, I'd probably either shut up and change absolutely nothing while I figure out the power structures, or I'd just work out a payoff to quietly step down and leave without a fuss.

[–] 39 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

~~assign everyone a government mandated fursona~~

Freak the fuck out.

Pull back from Ukraine, Crimea, and Georgia, and negotiate an immediate ceasefire.

Call as many political scientists and scholars as possible and get their advice on how the fuck I can design a reformed system of democratic governance that is robust enough to withstand the inevitable attempts to undermine and corrupt it.

Find the multitude of stashed billions from the various oligarchs and seize it, use the money to invest in overhauling Russian society--improving infrastructure and education, improving the standard of living, etc.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

That feels like it's rather besides the point, innit? You've got AI companies showing off AI art and saying "look at what this model can do," you've got entire communities on Lemmy and Reddit dedicated to posting AI art, and they're all going "look at what I made with this AI, I'm so good at prompt engineering" as though they did all the work, and the millions of hours spent actually creating the art used to train the model gets no mention at all, much less any compensation or permission for their works to be used in the training. Sure does seem like people are passing AI art off as their own, even if they're not claiming copyright.

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