
joined 1 year ago
[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 7 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

Are you convinced this is real? Are there any other reports of this?

edit: oh what the fuck!

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

lemmy community or the corresponding subreddit

ah, yes. Such reliable sources of info. I'm sure her antis aren't going into those communities spreading doubt.

I'm not going to tell you "The Trans Community" like her because there is no monolith, but she is respected by many lgbtq+/ally creators, so I'll be deferring to them over randos online. The biggest voices I've heard criticizing her for not making the donation have been anti-woke dramatubers, so I doubt their intentions are so pure. Hell, even Legal Mindset decided to weight in on whether or not Vshojo could fire her based on the assumption that Vshojo doesn't know the full story and before he was originator to the vtuber crowd, he was putting out anti-woke videos criticizing Disney. There is a definite pattern with the loudest voices criticizing her that make me question their motives.

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

(Again, I never watched a single stream of hers so I don’t know anything besides the occasional drama that pops up outside the VShojo sphere, but that’s definitely the impression it gives me).

And you don't think that's suspicious? If the only info you have on the situation is from drama tubers, you're just gonna get drama.

What if she simply doesn't have the money to donate that? I've already said it was a mistake and that she should have made a public statement, but I doubt her antis would care.

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Elara just did a deep dive into the froot's document and compared it to the claims the ex brought forward. tl;rd: Her supposed cheating happened when they were separated and he was being abusive. In both cases, chatlogs are super easy to forge, so if froot's document lacks any proof, so does the ex.

The charity thing is a different matter, but there's two main points, both mistakes, but not malice. One, froot didn't vet that specific charity very closely. That specific one may have been shady, so she would have gotten shit if she even did donate the money. Two, the donation amount was based purely on how many likes the post got. It wasn't a Matching Donation or other type of fund raiser. Her antis went and liked her post just to try and bankrupt her. She probably should have made a public statement about the matter, but she didn't steal any money like people seem to be claiming.

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I think both ways are done. Never felt the need to do either with mine though. They know when to come in for the night regardless.

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Projection. Considering the rejections of restrictions from the "rugged individuals" during covid, they would crumble first. They would also figure out pretty quickly that many liberals DO own fire arms, but keep them in a safe at home instead of making it a part of their personality.

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

A partnership with Delta.

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

This is the right view. Like HR, guidance counselors are not your friend and do not work for you.

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

His TeamSeas program is a misuse of funds. He's pulling plastic out of the ocean at no where near the rate it's being put in. If he wanted to help, he should have been pushing anti-consumption ideas and replacing plastics with alternatives, but that wouldn't make his sponsors happy. Remind me, is his chocolate bars wrapped in plastic or paper? What about his weird ass water bottle?

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

That's what patreon is for.

[–] Duamerthrax@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

I also would never want to try moderating my neighbors. Let them hateful on Facebook. Not my problem.


Community college ostensibly for people who don't have a good track record from High School, but is often advertised as the cheap, local option for people who don't want to feel bad about having to go.

I did in fact try community college and it's really just high school material with smaller text. I even took it in parallel with an edX equivalent and the material wasn't even close to each other. The idea that CC is suppose to replace the first 2 years at a real college is terrifying and reinforces how much of the professional word is theater.

If you do any number of years at a community college, you should be able to apply as a freshman to a real college if you want.


This might be considered drama, but I thought some people might be interested in an update.

March Wayback Machine listing.

Current List.

For those out of the loop, back in May, FalseEyed broke a story about MSM. Right after that, several vtubers shared their own stories about dealing with the CEO and his bad behavior.

Just afterward, Aethel made two statements. The first one saying that he's talking to HIS laywers. The second announcing his departure.

Since then, the company has been shedding talents. I assume more are just waiting for their contracts to run out and want to leave quietly.

According to Krimbo, the MSM CEO is largely responsible for Takahata101's burnout last year. It will be interesting to see who shows back up in the bar now that Taka is back.

Edit: Another four dropped since I posted this. GhostySaige, Nagzz, RPR and Vexoria.

Most of the open drama is happening on Twitter, which I don't use, so I can only relay second hand info. MSM's Director of Talent also bailed yesterday with the support of exMSM talents.

Edit 2: and the talent page is empty. Some back and forth going on on twitter.

Edit 3: Falseeyed's coverage of the msm fallout.


As of this posting, she's still in the prep/warmup room. She previously went viral for her "The Troubles" lecture on Saint Patrick's Day.


old: https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Miyune

new: https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/MinikoMew

Weird that she would abandon a 100k+ identity for a rebrand when her old IP already had a serious redesign. It was bothering me where she went when she disappeared out of the blue. One of her notable collabs was being the first to collab with Neuro-sama.


Former Tsunderia talent, turned PC manager, turned PC talent, Dizzy also did a stream titled: Why You Should NOT Join Phase Connect where she explained what it means to go from being an indie to a corpo talent. What is expected of you, what groups success means, deadline expectations. I think one of the reasons for PC's success has been setting realistic expectations with their talents. I think part of the reason for this steam is to dissuade the people who previous would have misunderstood what PC can and cannot do you for.


I was thinking of how people on the old internet would just create and share stuff for the simple sake of doing it, without trying to grind the algorithm. This woman in the mid 00's would bike through Chernoby, taking pictures and checking rad levels along the way.

Her anglefire page is defunk, but she has a youtube page now.

And for an added level of interesting, here's the slashdot page where I originally found it.



I'm creating a BoM for a youth group project. We're planning on building the Electromagnetic Ring Accelerator from Hyperspace Pirate. He's provided the 3d print files, but not the finer details on wire gauge, enamel wire gauge and ball size. I also want to confirm the photoresistor. Are there different photoresistors with with different sensitivities or ranges?

I've included the wip of the BoM.

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