
joined 5 months ago

I need to get my groceries delivered at the moment due to my foot surgeries - I can't walk very far or wear shoes. I normally order from sainsburys and I'm so grateful to the person who sent me a sainsburys voucher, but right now there's a delivery issue with sainsburys in my local area. I don't know whether they're just booked up or having a problem but they have no delivery slots for the next 11 days and I'm almost out of food. Justeat has 5 supermarkets close to me. Would anyone send me a justeat gift card so I can order groceries for the next 11 days? There are several websites that sell them and it can be sent to my email address which is electrik83@hotmail.com

They are anonymous in that I won't see your details or know who you are unless you want to tell me. The prezzee site works worldwide:


You need a UK address for this site: https://giftcards.just-eat.co.uk/

What is the meaning of life?

Many already don't.

This is not news. Huge numbers of people in this country have had terrible living standards for years. many people, from children to the disabled, even full time workers, going hungry regularly. A housing crisis, many homeless and housing insecure people, the NHS is crumbling so many medical conditions aren't being adequately treated. This is a poor and miserable place to live.

I don't have any optimism. The 21st century seems like a replay of the 20th century, first a depression and pandemic, now the rise of fascism and potentially ww3. I have lost hope that humanity will learn from its mistakes and change.

Thanks so much for all your help with that.


I made a post weeks ago about all the trouble I've been having with my prescriptions, the doctors and pharmacists complaining that I'm costing the NHS too much money and trying to reduce the amount and quality of my meds, not on health grounds, but purely on cost grounds, and the detrimental effect it was having on my health. Also being bullied into taking contraception, which I don't want or need.

I received help on here writing a letter to the GP, trying to get them to stop bullying me over contraception and give me the meds I need in the quantities I need. I just heard back from them, and the letter worked! They will continue to prescribe my migraine meds without insisting I take contraception, they will increase my dose of my other med to daily instead of trying to fob me off with only 8 a month, and they will go back to giving me enough eczema treatment.

Thanks so much for the help!


I'm making a post on mutual aid too, but sometimes I make posts on there, even up to three over a week or so, and get no response. I understand there are so many people needing help there and so I am making one here too for extra visibility. My last request on here asking for help with medical supplies didn't get a response, I really hope this one does.

A couple of people on here over the past few months have helped me out before, and I am so grateful. There is no way I could have managed without your help. For those who haven't seen my posts before, I'm in the UK and going through a disability benefit appeal. I've been unable to buy food due to lack of money and all the people who are supposed to help - the food bank, citizens advice, macmillan etc, haven't given me the help I need.

The food bank can take up to two weeks to access and then give only three days of "food," and the food mostly consists of tea, coffee, milk, sugar, doritos and similar things that are non-nutritious and non-filling. Organisations like macmillan and the citizens advice just keep fobbing me off and passing me to each other. No-one wants to take responsibility. The good social worker I had who used to help me moved to London and the social work department is now staffed by bureaucrats who do the bare minimum to get their paycheque. So I had no-one to help me until I found this site. I was starving for a while and ended up being diagnosed with several deficiencies but all they did was prescribe me iron and a few other supplements on the NHS. I still didn't get any food.

In fact I had thought I was going through an early menopause as my periods had slowed down so much it got to the stage I hadn't had one in months. But this month - after being able to eat normally for a while thanks to the help I've received on here - I got a normal period and realised that my periods had actually stopped due to malnutrition. Thanks to people on this site I am no longer amenorrheic.

I received a letter from the DWP (British benefit nazis) recently, saying that my benefit appeal is still in the queue, they have a backlog to get through before me. Which is their own fault, because they re-assess people too frequently. So this will be dragging on a while longer.

My grocery bills are also more expensive at the moment. I had foot surgery 5 weeks ago and I've been unable to wear shoes so I've had to order groceries for delivery, which costs more. I'm having another foot surgery on 24th April so it'll be like this for a while yet. I also need to use these vouchers for other things like toilet paper, literally everything I need.

As mentioned before, I would prefer not to take money because of the DWP. So if anyone is able to help me out with some food vouchers, I would be extremely grateful. Sainsburys supermarket gift cards are easy to order, and several supermarkets local to me are also on justeat. They can be ordered on various different ways and sent to my email address.

This site takes debit card, credit card and google pay:


These sites take debit, credit card and paypal:



This one takes crypto:



I would be so grateful for any help at all.

I've pleaded with both the RSPCA and the vet, neither care.

I will. I just hope her owners won't stop her getting out now.

[–] DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml 0 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

It's a mobile. I've tried googling it but couldn't get any info.


My landlady's dog was barking at the door this morning, so I opened it and there was a big brown, very skinny cockapoo-type dog out there. No idea how she got in, the garden is totally enclosed and the walls are at least 7 foot high. We checked the cctv in case someone had thrown her in but saw nothing. It's like she just materialised. We took her to the vet to see if she had a microchip and she does but they were unable to read it. They said we should call the local kennel to come and take her and now my landlady is waiting to hear back from them, but I'm worried her owners are neglectful or abusive, she's clearly starving and cried with terror when we took her to the vet. She seems to have a skin illness as well. I've checked online but no-one has reported her missing. I'm worried if she gets sent back to her owner she could end up being a breeding dog on a puppy farm or something, she looks so starved and neglected. we gave her some food and she wolfed it down instantly.

EDIT: Eventually with the microchip we found her vet. They told us the owner hadn't brought the dog for a check up for several years and that they had been concerned about the dog's welfare prior to that. They told us which road the owner lives on and gave us her phone number. we called and she checked outside and said her dog had returned. We checked in our garden and the dog was gone. So it looks like she went home of her own accord. However I am very concerned for her welfare. She's skin and bones, untreated skin condition and clearly in this cold weather her owners leave her locked outside for so long they don't even notice she's missing.

I tried to make a report to the RSPCA but without an address, they won't take a report. I asked the dog's vet to call the RSPCA to give them the owner's address (because they obvs won't give it to me) but they are being difficult about it and not even wanting to get involved that much. I feel I must do something to help this poor creature. Does anyone know how to find an address using only a mobile phone number?




I don't have a penny, the next food bank appointment is 30th Sept. I don't know how I'll last that long. Any faster ways?