
joined 6 months ago

We're talking about American politics, every avenue of which is spun by media looking for eyeballs, capitalists looking for dollars, leaders looking for allies, and egoists looking for power. Sure there are individuals that just want to share their opinion, but there is also no shortage of people who are trying to trick some portion of the electorate.

This is my kind of thread pulling. I like your style.

Alternatively, install OBS and record your screen playing the episode.

[–] Dipbeneaththelasers@lemmy.today 27 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

A million percent agree. If you haven't played it yet, look nothing up and play it as blindly as possible. I'm so glad I did and wish I could do it again.

It's for worse for sure. What if people didn't have to worry in their 30s, 40s, and 50s about sustaining their livelihood in late stage capitalism and could instead focus on what makes them happy? I bet "retirement jobs" would look a lot different.

Worked for me. Highly recommend.

[–] Dipbeneaththelasers@lemmy.today 15 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Depends on the trip. Part of the joy of arriving is the journey you just endured, so might be worth keeping that in just for the existential exhale you get when you arrive.

I have a lot of unhoused neighbors so I regularly leave out fresh socks, a pair of gloves here and there, basic toiletries, and food for their pets. If one came to my door I'd be happy to try giving a haircut, but no refunds.

[–] Dipbeneaththelasers@lemmy.today 21 points 2 months ago (2 children)

My wife turned her happy birthday sign into a happy father's day sign in the simplest, cutest way. I loved it.

One of my all time favorites. Glad you're enjoying!

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