Kernel level anti cheat is still bypassed so why do so many people just accept a literal ring-0 rootkit if it doesn't even axcomplish its intended goal?
joined 1 year ago
Publisher of Stray and outer wilds
Nothing about flappy bird was original when it came out and half its assets were ripped from other games.
Stoop lower and fucking destroy them
They couldn't use an actual photo instead of whatever that edited trash is lol
"Breaking orbit" still leaves you in almost the same orbit around the sun as the earth. You need to slow down a lot to bring the periapsis of the orbit within the suns surface.
Its Texas, shootings are like a team sport for them
There's no laws against pokemon Chris
That was paying slave owners and only in DC
I raided with the guy who played leeroy in that video once. Chill dude, very funny.
Try convincing land-leeches to do anything but the bare minimum cheapest option and you'll be out on the street in no time.