I think you mean crabs...
I stand corrected.
Think the world would be all sunshine and friendship if the Saudi princes had the US arsenal? Putin? The people at the top didn't get there because they played nice and shared their toys.
Be careful what you wish for.
Neither. Jubilee is Marvel.
I'm sorry, but that's an absolute fantasy.
When have you seen anything like that level of international co-operation?
And have you stopped to think that there are a lot of rich and powerful people with a strong vested interest in keeping things going the way they are.
iirc Dick Greyson has dated Batgirl, Catwoman, Supergirl, Starfire, and had a fling with Harley Quinn.
The guy's go nothing to complain about.
Listen to your SO's friends and [close] family.
Your SO talks to them about what they really want.
Click bait that actually makes me glad I clicked???
I like the Libertarian classic novel "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress."
On the other hand, I can spned three hours pointing out all the ways the author had to massage reality to make his society work.
How about we drop all the distinctions and just say "good for regular people"?
You can't copywrite a "Hannibal" action figure.
Reminds me of an off topic story.
"Fables" was a comic book whose main idea was that the characters from all the fairy tales were living in one neighborhood in Manhattan.
The TV networks like the idea, so they stole it. Twice.
By this logic, the movie 'Stand By Me' is kiddie porn.