
joined 1 year ago
[–] 33 points 16 hours ago (7 children)

I'm looking for the lighter squares for more innovative-sounding ones. Like Trump Goblin and Scum Wit

[–] 97 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

These idiots are quadrupling down on it. They really think this is their breakthrough argument and not something that makes them look like gullible morons who ate up a bunch of nazi propaganda? Or is it Trump ordering them to back him up on it so he isn't the only one looking like a moron?

[–] 74 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Can you explain how a car accident lead to this?

[–] 92 points 2 days ago

One is them is angry, the other is furherious

[–] 8 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Or just get Firefox or one of its branches that allows you to block all requests from websites to send you notifications. You only need to do it once and never have to worry about it again.

[–] 75 points 3 days ago (3 children)

I'm calling it: The Onion will have a news title that says "Trump agrees to another debate to the condition that it is against Joe Biden"

[–] 80 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Trump knew it was bullshit. He just forgot that his audience wasn't his brainwashed supporters.

Either that or he actually believed it was real. And I don't know which one is worse.

[–] 24 points 4 days ago (1 children)

He probably meant he was going to give her one of the many children he already has and doesn't care about.

[–] 59 points 4 days ago

He posed for a picture smiling and giving the thumbs up while standing in front of tombs on dead soldiers not even a month ago.

He is a spoiled rich kid with no will to understand the gravity of the situations that don't affect him.

[–] 25 points 4 days ago

Poor snakes

[–] 33 points 5 days ago

You messed up by having your phone on dark mode

[–] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I don't think he really is that stupid (or at least used to be, IDK how much of his intellect he has left given the decline we've been seeing lately). What he is, is extremely intellectually lazy. He believes that he can make good decisions by "instinct", without ever taking some time to think about it, do some research or consulting experts. He believes that this is what being intelligent is. He just says and does whatever feels good at the time, thinking that being "so smart" means he doesn't need to do any work at all to make good decisions. And whenever whatever he said was inevitably revealed as false or stupid, only then he will actually make an intellectual effort to bullshit and manipulate his way out of it. And this ability to perform the mental gymnastics to keep himself in denial over his incompetence is something that he has become outstandingly good at. His followers are just people who buy into those mental gymnastics.


Bobbing their heads at every step. How ridiculous must have that looked if it was the case.


I am running multiple screens from different brands. Because they are not the same, they must be set to different brightness values to look the same.

The problem is that whenever I boot up, the Plasma brightness setting is changed, or Night Light kicks in, Plasma sets all my screens to the same value. This results in one screen being too bright and the other too dark. Every time this happens I must change the value back manually in my screen's built-in menu, which is annoying.

In the Gamma settings panel there appears to be an upcoming feature where different screens can be set to different values but it is grayed out for the moment (running Plasma 6.0.4 on Tumbleweed).

How do I disable this feature while I'm waiting for the ability to set individual brightness values to individual screens to come around?

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