joined 2 years ago
[–] DPUGT2@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago (7 children)

Insulting people

I'm not aware of having insulted anyone. I've come to learn in my life that some people are insulted by reality... that's sad. Reality doesn't change just because you feel insulted, it never apologizes, and it definitely doesn't make amends.

that someone can rationally make that decision.

No. They can only irrationally make that decision. And it's not difficult to discern that truth... just open your eyes. Trauma, gluttony, there's always something right there at the surface pressuring that choice.

[–] DPUGT2@lemmy.ml -3 points 2 years ago

What a progressive take on psychiatry! That guy babbling about demons whispering in his ear as he uses feces to fingerpaint on the hospital walls isn't mentally ill... he's just making a choice.

A choice you or I might not make, but it's no less valid and no less healthy.

Thanks for changing my mind.

[–] DPUGT2@lemmy.ml -1 points 2 years ago (4 children)

i don’t want to have kids because i believe it’s unethical for some average joe, or in fact anyone that isn’t an expert in child psychology and child development, to subject a human being to potential lifelong trauma

Only PhDs in child psychology should reproduce? So, you want humanity to be extinct, that's a more ethically sound position than "sometimes bad things happen to some people"?

society feeds you the lie that you need to have kids to feel fulfilled and happy,

You've got 4 billion years of genetic coding that insists, even demands that this is true. The last few tens of millions of years hardcodes it directly into your meat brain.

Society? If society ever did that, it ceased doing it almost a hundred years ago. Now, you can't turn your head or hear a dozen words from some random stranger proclaiming the opposite is true and that anyone who says otherwise is a misogynist, masochist, or biblethumper.

There of course are many reasons for that. If you believe transexuals are healthy, important individuals... how could they participate in parenting if they're mutilating their reproductive organs? So, parenting and reproduction now have to be bad or at least discouraged, to push the other message more fully. Not just them, of course, it's not fair to single them out when there are so many other degenerate lifestyles that, if you embrace them, you also can't embrace the idea that parenting is important without being hypocritical.

The end result will be, of course, that these lifestyles die out. The question is, will they take everything else with them.

[–] DPUGT2@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago (9 children)

How is it any more terrible than it's ever been these last few million years ago? I don't have to worry about my kids being eaten by some predator anymore, the smilodon problem's taken care of. Horrible diseases still about, but many that would have crippled or killed them just 100 years ago are now bad cultural memories. They have the comfort kings wouldn't have known in centuries past.

Only the neurotic would whine about how they can't bring children into a terrible world. I'm glad you've gotten over yours. As you have time, do what you can to dissect that old worldview and figure out how it works so that maybe you can help other people someday.

[–] DPUGT2@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Tons of people use VPNs for region restricted services like Netflix

I was going to criticize your choice of units there, but after thinking about it some I decided this was probably correct and that my criticisms were in the wrong. Touche, you win again.

If I were a media corporation, I would make a post like this to dissuade people from using a VPN

There's no need. They're using one of a half-dozen obscure commercial services that mapped out all the exit point IP addresses and have blocked them half a decade ago.

[–] DPUGT2@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (6 children)

Afaik most people just use them for torrents.

It's the only thing they could be useful for. While obviously commercial services are insufficient protection against state-level actors if you were Alquaeda (does anyone believe that the US intelligence agencies don't have undersea fiber taps everywhere?), it's even insufficient for the purposes of run-of-the-mill whackjobs making bomb threats. A few years ago some jackass was doing those to get out of final exams at some US university. The FBI got him within a half-hour.

How is that possible if these places "don't keep logs"?

So, even routine criminal activities can't be safely conducted via commercial VPN.

Privacy nutcases are shit out of luck too. Ever tried to access your bank account with VPN? They go absolutely apeshit if their shitty GeoIP library thinks you're trying to look at it from Romania. Same with Facebook. Google's barely usable, unless you like putting in a captcha every 10 seconds.

Still useful for torrents, but that could change. We're less than 5 years away from either legislation forcing VPNs to do the sort of tracking the copyright maximalists would love, or these commercial VPN services voluntarily doing so. Basically, by the time the hoi polloi became aware that VPNs were useful, that was already turning out to no longer be true.

[–] DPUGT2@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago


There is a world of the future, 200 years from now... my (many) descendants live there. You have none, you are only known from history (in general even, no one knows your name specifically), and only as a fool who voluntarily chose extinction. Your views are told as a cautionary tale, so that people can avoid your sort of mental illness.

The price you pay for a bigger goal.

Your goals are not mine.

I am not pro global warming as wind energy does not create co2 emissions.

Nuclear creates none either. It comprises approximately 20% of worldwide electricity production. Tossing it would mean that it'd end up getting replaced with coal or natgas.

It is a difference if you fight with nuclear weapons in your back pocket or a kitchen knife, see the difference … War is never useful, everyone should know that.

"War is never useful" is certainly useful to warmongers who would have pacifists not defend themselves. War is useful to those who have already been attacked and wish to make it stop with something more than unicorn farts and rainbow wishes.

Rapist do not need uranium based weapons, also not guns to do the crime…

Rapists' would-be victims are often smaller and weaker than the rapists. While the rapists may not need guns, their would-be victims are made just as strong as their attackers... you're condemning them to violation so you can fantasize about juvenile utopias.

[–] DPUGT2@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago

Climate change will not be solved with nuclear.

Won't be solved by discarding what amounts to 20% of the global electricity budget either.

[–] DPUGT2@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Most likely you'd not even need to do so. If renewables are so awesome, then surely they are cheaper and cheaper always wins out over more expensive, barring perverse incentives.

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