
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 year ago

Unfortunately a lot of the damage of climate change is done and mitigating the rest of it will require a lot more attention and effort than our governments are giving so far. The fight is still only beginning and we're starting from a losing position.

All of that said, given the current political climate and the nature of just how difficult it is to pass basically any meaningful climate legislation, this should still be applauded as a great step in the right direction. It disappoints me that this isn't being reported by bigger, more visible news outlets. Almost as if the narrative that both parties are equally ineffective and neither one passes any noteworthy legislation is better for the business of writing clickbait political analysis to keep readers of all backgrounds bringing in views and also goes a long way in convincing fossil fuel companies to keep buying that juicy ad space.

[–] 46 points 1 year ago

Well Republicans control the House so..he gets a pat on the back for his successful grift and McCarthy pretends nothing ever happened?

[–] 17 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's honestly insanely impressive that these things are still working so long after being built and so far from us. One of mankind's greatest achievements and even after they die they'll still be out there somewhere floating around. Maybe long after we're gone and the Earth is swallowed up by the sun. The last piece of proof that we even existed at all.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Headline is very biased, source video is opinion piece from an unreliable right wing source. Here's a neutral reporting on this story:

There is no reliable evidence that he is being tortured in any capacity. He is charged with violating several wartime laws and it appears he attempted to out the locations of Ukrainian soldiers as well as international journalists to hostile Russian invasion forces, implicitly making it easier to target them.

OP's account appears to be associated with or wants people to believe it is associated with Project Veritas. Project Veritas has a long, very well established pattern of dishonest reporting including editing videos to make it appear as if people have said or done things they didn't do as well as lying about the identities of their "agents" and behaving erratically or unethically in an attempt to elicit secretly recorded responses from their targets which can then be edited to appear incriminating of whatever illicit activity they will then be accused of. Project Veritas is not a credible source of fact-based reporting and if OP is not associated with them, it should still be a red flag that they want people to think they are.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

The way it's supposed to work is voters are supposed to notice and not reelect that person. But not enough voters participate in primaries and then when general elections roll around, we're stuck electing the moderate dinosaur or the fascist. People need to stop asking Congress, a body conposed of grandparents, to outlaw grandparents (and therefore themselves) from running and start just not hiring them anymore. That way when you have an old person who still has their wits and does a good job, you can keep them around instead of it being all or nothing.

[–] 20 points 1 year ago

By sequencing the genome of this Rip Van Winkle roundworm, scientists revealed it to be a new species of nematode

If this nematode could read I bet it would be offended at being called "new."

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (4 children)

This is all about delegitimizing the impeachment process itself. Trump getting impeached twice was historically relevant because it stood as tangible evidence of him being one of the worst presidents in history and easily the worst of the last 50 years. The Republican narrative remains that those impeachments were politically motivated and not based on any valid legal or ethical concerns. So now they're going to do what they accused Democrats of doing and deliberately make a mockery of impeachment.

The point of this isn't to actually punish anyone in the Biden administration. It's an inconvenience at worst and they know it. The point is to make impeachment a joke. Something one party in Congress does to the other in the White House as a regular and inconsequential thing, just part of the theater of it all. This retroactively defangs Trump's impeachments in the eyes of people on both sides who aren't dialed into politics and really only pay attention every 4 years and skim the occasional headline. It also preemptively reduces the gravity of any future impeachments of Republican Presidents because impeachment becomes routine and therefore mundane to the average person.

Basically the Republicans don't like checks and balances that require them to behave like civilized, functional adults doing their jobs, so they're just going to smear their shit on those checks and balances until the voters no longer take them seriously and forget they ever had any real meaning. And it will work too.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

I think it's down to a few reasons. One you touched on is exclusives. Most consumers aren't going to have both consoles like you do, they're going to pick one or the other and Xbox doesn't really have many exclusives, even fewer than PS, and theirs are much more likely to end up on PC when they do have them. So for consumers who want the larger variety of games, PS5 currently wins.

Another is performance. While both the PS5 and Series X are comparable, the Series S offering has created a very odd phenomenon of accidental exclusivity for Sony because of performance limitations. It's a relatively new thing but I suspect it's going to be more common as the generation goes on. The current example is Baldur's Gate III. It simply cannot run on the S. As a result the developer has put an Xbox release on hold indefinitely and it may never come out on Xbox because they don't want to have to deal with the confusion of selling an Xbox game that is not playable on one of the two SKUs. They decided that if the S can't run it then it just won't come out for the X either.

Third, and probably more relevant earlier in the generation, Sony had some snappy gimmicks on their side that might have been a difference maker for some consumers on the fence. The advanced haptics of the Dual Sense for example. I think the novelty of that wore off pretty quickly but there was a lot of buzz around it closer to launch to the extent that it's impact on sales is probably more than nothing at all. I think the PSVR2 was also briefly a console mover as Xbox doesn't have comparable hardware. I don't think anyone at this point is rushing out to get a PS5 just for VR now, but there was a brief period of time after the PSVR2 was announced where people were eager to have a PS5 because if they did want VR, Sony's was the cheapest way into that market at modern performance levels without having to give Facebook your entire identity just to game. Again not significant on its own, but it's impact is more than nothing at all.

Fourth is just that Sony came into the generation ahead of Microsoft with the PS4. More PS4 owners with big libraries are going to want a new system that can play their old games rather than starting from scratch. So if you have a bunch of PS4 games that you still play, you're going to choose PS5 and it's kind of a no brainer.

And lastly I'd say Sony has just done a better job marketing it's console as a must-have piece of consumer tech. From the jump there were a lot of people who already had gaming PCs questioning why they would ever need an Xbox. And Microsoft did little to address this narrative, it almost felt like they accepted that they were going to cannibalize their own console's sales right from launch because everything gets ported to PC for them and just decided they didn't care. There are plenty of reasons to own an Xbox but MS has pushed like none of them in advertising. Sony meanwhile did a great job early on marketing the PS5 as a status symbol and has kept in the public eye much more consistently with game exclusivity, and more recently media tie-ins with the Last of Us tv show. And while the exclusives may be few and far between, they are big draws like Final Fantasy, Horizon, and Spider-Man. When Xbox occasionally gets an exclusive, it's always in the news for the wrong reasons like Halo almost universally agreed upon to be no longer good or Redfall being an absolutely embarrassing catastrophe of a release.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

How does it's performance compare to a PS5? Because at least where I live, I would have to spend about twice as much on a PC to get the same performance as a PS5.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

Come to Florida for college! Rack up insurmountable debt while we program you into a bigoted idiot with no useful skills!

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The issue is the consumer who is most likely to consider buying a console doesn't want to have to worry about waiting months for a port and then another several months for performance to be fixed, nor do they want to pay for a very expensive gaming PC and then regular hardware upgrades to play new games. As I was saying to someone else, Sony isn't really competing for PC gamers. They're two different markets and Sony knows this which is why they do release a lot of their games to PC eventually. But for people who want to play Sony games when they are relatively new and active, either to experience the story with others and avoid eventual spoilers, or to play in an active online community that may not last, waiting for a functional PC release isn't worth it, especially at the higher cost it brings to have a decent one compared to a console.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

The thing is I don't think Sony cares about peeling PC gamers away anymore for exactly the reasons you said; they just release most of their games to PC eventually anyway. But PC gamers and console gamers are not the same market. There are certainly people who play both, but I rarely play PC games anymore because my whole gaming setup is centered around the couch with family now. I simply don't have time to also park myself in front of a PC and game that way as well, and as far as purpose built PCs that connect to a TV go, well, none of those bring the same features for the same cost the way the PS5 does. Pretty much the only PC gaming I do now is on Steam Deck and those games are chosen for playability on the go. So you're not really comparing Sony exclusivity to PC at that point, you're comparing it to Xbox. And between the two Sony wins on exclusives so far this generation.

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