I guess I'm not aware of the conservative Indian demographic, you mean like natives? Good god seems a lot like shooting themselves in the foot. But I dunno, I've heard some pretty racey and extremely homophobic/transphobic shit out here. I went to school with a kid that openly believed inter-racial marriage should be punished, if that says anything.
ah so like the bible thumpers of marxism?
man you got no idea. neioghbor tried to break into my house and beat me becuase he thought i was recording / spying on his wife n kids based on HOW I PARK MY CAR IN MY OWN LAWN. these people are fucking insane
glad to know theres more out there in the south with me, sometimes it feels so damn isolating. the alienation is real.
Lmao i love the lil cartoon marx
they took me they took me in the ship they probed me i think they left it in there i hear it whispering to me sometimes the great Zulu demands pie apple pie
I've seen the term ultras on here, but I am rather new to this community. Would someone mind giving me a definition of what an ultra is in this context? Thanks!
I been tryin to find a leftist minecraft server for years, my IGN is AliensTookMe and i would love to join the community!
yeah for real man, the rest of my neighbors except one are all basically trap houses. One of them is a straight up massive drug dealer (like the baaad stuff) and literally everyone knows it, I'm sure people have alerted the authorities on them multipule times, but nah they still there just.... moving shit. And man, as an ex addict, i get a lot of the struggles, but the tweakers in this town, most the damn population, are fucking bananas.