Sadly. Thats never really an option here because of the military state of the police. I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling anyone to go up against the police state. They’ll happily shoot other Americans. They want to.
If you can. Sales Engineering is a good field for engineers that need work but are not expected to code like an outright developer.
Just like how every democracy has gone through troubling times. You can’t give up hope. It will stand this.
i’ll keep apologizing for our buffoonery. But don’t write us all off. We will find a way to fix this. Inevitably. Just takes time in democracies.
I don’t think France had the capacity to properly protect the territory from invasion if they didn’t sell. It was an easy way to avoid a giant loss and make some money.
Lands at Normandy. Throws away Ally protection. Forms French Government. Starts his own policies. France is back baby!
Me too! I was like. Who is this brother? How have we not met him!
America is run by psychopaths. Who only want suffering for anyone in need. Just how this system has murdered its way to existence.
When I saw this title. I thought another YouTube hardware advocate turned their back on Louis and started an anti-consumer group to fight off policy debate that Louis does. My brain is wild.
I knew from being a sharks fan this was Teal.
Well. They would have AP rpg’s and they can easily blow out a track system with no support infantry around for the tank. Also H/E rounds for blowing people out of the tanks. Thermite devices also. Melt steel beams.
Just because they are in those beast of a tank. Doesn’t mean they can’t get knocked out.
I hold a security clearance. So I don’t tend to talk about that stuff publicly. Just peaceful coexistence till next election.