
joined 1 year ago
[–] 16 points 4 days ago (5 children)

When I say "I'm not interested in politics", what I mean is "I can't bear to listen to another right-wing crank regurgitating the latest bullshit he's read on Infowars". Sometimes it means "I can't bear to listen to my 100% white sister-in-law castigate me for not using the term 'LatinX'".

My ancient macbook has a cd drive, but it stopped recognizing the drive years ago and of course there's no physical eject button. It Just Works!

Save a slap for the dude who invented slaps!

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

As a mobile developer, tiny unhittable buttons drive me batshit. I used to get handed app design documents all the time that had these little buttons, along with image files for these buttons that were just large enough (width and height) for them. I would always do a trivial amount of extra work to make the actual tappable regions larger than the images to improve their usability, but when I mentioned this to the designers they would go apeshit and demand that I restore the original tiny tappable regions, usually with the bullshit rationale of that being what end-users expected and they didn't want to verify that what I'd done to my best judgement was OK. Management would go along with the designers, on the grounds that enlarging the tappable regions required more time and effort - even though I'd already done it and undoing it would require even more time and effort.

It eventually occurred to me to just do it without telling anyone and I had no further problems.

A fun little fact about iOS: the operating system includes a private method (which is something developers supposedly can't use without getting their app rejected) named _warpPoint. This hack was put in when they started supporting landscape, because the top toolbar and its tiny buttons became even tinier and virtually unusable in that mode. _warpPoint intercepts touches near the toolbar and changes the coordinates to the middle of the nearest button - basically doing the same thing I was doing by enlarging the tappable regions, just doing it at the global level. The irony is that they still don't really work very well, despite the very existence of this method proving that Apple knows it's a general problem.


there would be nothing to prevent the 99% from rightfully rising up against the 1%

Except for the other 1% who are trained and equipped to violently suppress the 98%. And if for whatever reason they fail to do the job, the killer robots will do it instead.

I just gave it a listen today on my bike ride. It's pretty good - not what I expected but not surprising, either. I'd characterize it as Kate Bush meets Dead Can Dance meets early '70s King Crimson, and since I like all three of those acts I like Gibbons' album as well. I was surprised to see that it's her first solo album.

Based on fossil records we’ve estimated that homo sapiens sapiens emerged about 200k-300k years ago.

All of the estimates of when modern humans "emerged" (originally called the "Out of Africa" or "Mitochondrial Eve" hypothesis) are/were based on population analyses of samples of modern DNA (mitochondrial or otherwise) and are/were presented as being in opposition to conclusions based on the fossil record. The original such estimate was 100,000 years ago subsequently revised to 200,000 years ago (both in the mid-1980s) and since then these estimates have been all over the place, ranging from 50,000 years ago to 500,000 years ago. The fossil record shows no significant changes even within this wide time range: bipedality appears in the fossil record for our lineage around 5 million years ago, while our brains enlarged from chimpanzee size to modern human size between 2 million and 1 million years ago.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

"Baby's Got a Temper" is also a banger, but it's a bit of a tough sell when you're singing about how great Rohypnol is.

[–] 37 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I'm a school bus driver, and one of my weirder experiences is listening to a middle-school boy ripping on some middle-school girl for having "only" ten thousand followers.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Charlie, poison, voodoo people and of course Keith’s firestarter.

First Prodigy song I ever heard was "Their Law" and that's still their peak IMHO.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think if you're the son of a gibbon, it doesn't much matter whether you're a bastard or not.

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